Introducing the 'Programming Channel' Mechanic | Modular Missile Update | NEBULOUS: Fleet Command

Read the developers explantory note below:
“Missile Programming Channels is the final major new mechanic for the missile update. It fully decouples missile fire volume from the number of VLS modules a ship has. This allows us to remove compounding costs from VLS, allowing you to carry more missiles without paying exorbitant prices.

Instead, fire rate is now tied to the amount of time it takes to program a target into a missile, and how many channels a ship has to program missiles simultaneously. We introduced a set of buffing modules which increase the number of available channels or the programming speed.

More channels allows rapid launch of pack raids of missiles, and increased programming speed allows more tightly spaced stream raids. The ship in this video has 6 channels, allowing for a pack of six missiles to be fired at once.”

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18 thoughts on “Introducing the 'Programming Channel' Mechanic | Modular Missile Update | NEBULOUS: Fleet Command”

  1. Finally Gale Spam won't be the only way to win a straight missile fight. I can't wait to load up a CLG with a thousand points of missiles, and then explode to one corvette with an autocannon, but at least I'll blow up in style

  2. Reminds me a lot of a rule section from the boardgame Star Fleet Battles where ships that have Drones ( warp speed missiles ) are limited to the number of drones that they could control in flight to the ships maximum sensor rating ( usually 6, specialist ships could control up to 12 )
    They also had drone construction rules, similar to what's coming to the game.
    So I'm keenly looking forward to see how this works out 🙂

  3. One thing to keep in mind is that in the new patch you can bring significantly more effective missiles and this channel mechanic is a way to encourage you to do that. These super effective missiles are more expensive but devs promised that they will worth the price tag.

  4. The "age of missiles" was never alive to begin with, so, its more alive than it ever was more likely. The 'age of missiles' is just because most people don't know how to defend against them. Swarm fleets are an easy win if you actually build your fleet correctly (enough PD/chaff/disco ball for hurricanes/fly tangentially to the missile path/stick with a battle buddy). Missile spam is a joke already, and the only people that die to it are people that get 3v1'd by missile spammers (really, in my books they won, by removing all munitions of 3 fleetsfor the cost of 1 fleet) or people that do not know how to defend against it.

    Interesting stuff, thanks for the clip JDee. Lets hope the changes make missile gameplay more engaging

  5. Thanks for the update. A valuable explaination of this vital missile balancing update. I find this update makes the tremendous advancement of: Balancing missiles (esp. the idea of mounting lots of compounding missile modules) while simultaneously making them balanced.

    Regardless of how it turns out in the end, many patches in the future – Cheers to JDee for rapidly covering such important updates!

  6. Question: How does programming channel decide the priority of launchers? I mainly use torpedo/missile corvettes swarm, if I order my corvettes to launch missiles AND torpedos now, VLS and MLS-3 will start launching sequence simultaneously; What will happen with the Programming Channel mechanic? Is the selection random?

  7. When I first heard about the missile update, I was a bit afraid it might make missiles too strong, but the new long range point-defense-system and now this new mechanic makes it look like it's going to be well balanced (or at least balancable). I also like that this opens up the ability to make dedicated missile fregates much more special than just "fill up all hardpoints with missiles).


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