Scientists Decided To Drain This Canal But Made A Terrifying Discovery At The Bottom

For copyright matters, please contact: [email protected] A plethora of mind-boggling stuff can accumulate beneath the waters. From priceless artifacts to
horrendous remnants of the past, water bodies are littered with myriads of objects in their
depths which surface when these lakes or rivers dry up. Today we’ll tell you about the 20 bizarre
things found in drained water bodies.


36 thoughts on “Scientists Decided To Drain This Canal But Made A Terrifying Discovery At The Bottom”

  1. I can't help thinking, than in the case of some of these places, it's a good opportunity to clean up trash to make the water cleaner. I mean who wants to be drinking from a lake that has the remains of a car in it?

  2. For those out there who are concerned about global climate change, some good news: The World health Organization (WHO) has announced, and the U.S Surgeon General concurs, that climate change has brought about a significant decrease in human fertility rates. Fewer people means less air pollution.

  3.'s not going to get any better..
    .tipping point after tipping point..this year's has to be the deluge in pakistan..preceded by unheard of heatwave melting the planets largest and most dense glaciers 100s of kilometers they should've seen it coming..

  4. Wouldn’t the skeletons atop the mountain in the lake likely just be the local cemetery?

    It is nowhere near as complete as a Sky Burial, but that mountain is likely too high to have vultures, so there would be no need to break the body.

    No wood to cremate, cannot dig a grave in the soil, liquid water would have bacteria to decompose the soft tissues leaving bone, and the wind and ice would wear away soft parts too.

    Given the territory, I’d be looking for a village close by, or a temple, possibly even abandoned, as the source of the skeletons.

  5. Since the lakes are so low and they’re finding all this trash like boats and all sorts of things are they actually getting them out of there and cleaning the lake while they have a chance?

  6. Shoot someone and place them in a drum under a lake. I know psychopaths has zero fealings or worries about others. But i still can not understand how it is possible to live after doing something like that.

  7. the mid west is so effed..
    all 7 states take water from one source..

    Noone saw that as a potential problem? f*cking idiots.. Its almost like a problem that was bound to rear its head.. We've had long droughts before, the dustbowls of the 18 and 1900s, are all from droughts… But damn at least they could refill when those droughts ended.. those 7 states are sucking up water faster than it could EVER replenish..
    Whats crazy is i heard salt lake is also drying up.. and the dust storms are what theyre mostly worried about.. when those lakebeds are exposed they release dust and microparticles that are dangerous that are usually trapped beneath the surface.. Chromium, etc..

    Then the misissipi is drying up, and the effing EUPHRATES RIVER! thats like the amazon disappearing.. seriously.. were f*cked.. get right with the lord.. The drying up of the euphrates is part of revalations.. yeah.. im not usually religious, but things are getting weird man.. this book can only predict so many things before im like "wtf is going on in this thing?!".. it said the euphrates would dry up and the kings of the north would start marching armies 200 million strong westward.. well we have the ukraine war going on.. its definitely a westward assault.. not 200 million people though.. freaking weird they predicted 200 million, because when that passage was wrote not even 200 million people existed on the planet… Thats such a crazy statement man.. Not even 200 million people IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.. it was like that for a long time.. you could say the medical indstry is what caused this population boom, in tandom with electricity..
    life use to be so rare, so special.. You were given a birthday, that was celebrated every year for living another year.. it was celebrated that you were ABLE to live to that day again.. it was such a special occasion because back then life was scarce, human life was frail and short.. The average person didnt make it out of childhood, the average adult didnt live past 40.. the average mother died during pregnancy.. it was a weird time.. Because life was meaningless and everything at the same time.. We treasured life, and reality chewed us up and spit us out.. but that was the point right? being grateful for family and breath, grateful for food and shelter.. Used to be all we needed.. Now the average 20 yr old thinks theyre poor or have terrible lives because they dont live in luxury.. Whats luxury anyways.. alot of gaudy bullshit that takes up space and really just makes human connections flimsy..

  8. What about when the frogs come down out of the sky when it rained and stormed that was a little girl we were found frogs little frogs everywhere and they had to come out of the sky but I didn’t hear you mention that I enjoyed your video


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