Inside Sri Lanka’s Deadly Underground Mines Filled With Rare Jewels | Risky Business | Insider

Almost every gemstone in the world can be found in deep underground pits in Sri Lanka, a country renowned for its colored sapphires. But mining is dangerous for workers and harmful to the environment.

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#SriLanka #RiskyBusiness #Insider

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Inside Sri Lanka’s Deadly Underground Mines Filled With Rare Jewels | Risky Business | Insider


46 thoughts on “Inside Sri Lanka’s Deadly Underground Mines Filled With Rare Jewels | Risky Business | Insider”

  1. The “Gem Authority” is likely the real enemy here. A regulatory agency that is likely completely eroded by corruption and probably allowing the monied interests to pay the workers $3 a week while working with profit margins in the 1000x range.

  2. Poor country's economy causes hardships on its citizens

    Governments are stewards of the people they administer but due to different bad governance, what goodness, helps, facilities, benefits and comforts which the citizens should have are BLOCKED and people suffer like this. It is all because of Bad Unfit Selfish Leaders and Governance. Look at the affluent countries, they too have one brain, two hands and two legs, the only difference is how they do things and how they think for their citizens. May this CURSE be removed from all such countries !

    There is no need for a government for the wild animals or for plants. The government is needed only when and where there are human beings.
    The funny thing is, the people who run the government come from that same community and society but they forget their own people, how extremely bad this is

  3. What a shiytte place to live they’re so poor it’s awful. Their blood, sweat and tears gives them a gallon of milk per week… and me, a shiny rock at best. get visas people we’d love you to come and help boost out American economy and our way of life. May gif bless you and your families too

  4. May you don't believe me but in my country Iran Those gemstones exist in the plains on the ground, you don't even need to create a mine. Just spray water on the stones and the colors will be determined and test them in front of the sun !!

  5. You can find sapphires and diamonds and a lot more in areas of Australia in shallow fields and they are the same colours. Heating poor gems is called cooking and they are no longer natural. So I would rather dig down a metre to find better quality gems and not risk my life.

  6. Its the same story everywhere. Poor parents putting all their money into their kids education, only for them to grow up and discover that there arent any jobs available. 😢 The education industry gets fatter and fatter by printing worthless certificates.

  7. This is a very nice video and thank you so much! ❤ But it is not true that mine workers get such a low pay. This weekly amount is given only for their weekly expenses. They are entitled to a share of the profit when they find gems. It is divided as a percentage. This is a customary law and this is how it has operated for generations. It is a gamble because if you don't find gems, this is all you get. There is no concept as salary in Sri Lankan gem trade. Only a very few workers work for daily labour and their daily wage is more than the amount stated ($3). Those who are paid weekly are usually shareholding workers. But it is very true that the middleman earns the most. Most of the time, even the gem mine owner doesn't make so much money compared to the middle man. And there are a few layers of middle men before the gems reach the final buyer. Most of the low layer middlemen nowadays started off as mine workers.

    So would appreciate it if you get the facts right about it. If you have any doubts, you are most welcome to visit again.

  8. What an over sensationalized video, Mining is hard everybody knows this but it's fascinating in its technical factors and for how impactful this craft is. Why do these pretentious documentaries always portray workers as if they are some sort of monkeys? It's an honorable job that they take pride in they make far more than what is projected by these greedy 'sympathetics', using some horror fantasy ambient music and trying to look down on these workers. Infact people who make these dumb documentaries are the bleeding heart out of touch incompetent fools with superflous jobs. Classic white man syndrome.

  9. Those who would do good, please be careful. Yes, their working conditions are horrible. But, if you clamp down on the operations and take this away from them, the poor will have nothing. Whatever you do, be sure that the poor have something.


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