Indiana Jones 5 Destroyed – The Final Nail In Lucasfilm's Coffin

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was the final gamble for Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm. With every other franchise and property already sunk, it was their last shot at success. And if the first batch of reviews are anything to go by, the gamble didn’t pay off.

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44 thoughts on “Indiana Jones 5 Destroyed – The Final Nail In Lucasfilm's Coffin”

  1. In my little world, there is only one Matrix film, two Star Wars films and three Indiana Jones films. I mean, misguided film studios might try to pull together some kind of tribute act or reunion… but I’m not interested. No, not happening.

  2. Its offical kathleen is a alien from space that took the skin of some random poor woman and uses it to plot the destruction of all movies to force humanity into depression to where mankind one day has enough and offs itself.

  3. Sir, I do realize that you were giving an honest review of this latest installment of the iIndianna Jones movies, but did you have to do it in such a flamin crotchity old man's style, and one more note, sober up before you do a review, you sound drunk buddy.

  4. Well, I don’t appreciate what they did to the franchise. Galaxies edge was a phenomenal ride. Of course I went during Covid when you couldn’t get a reservation and I got the first reservation of the day for my family so we were literally the first group on board and it was absolute tits. Of course it broke down two hours later. I’m just talking about the main ride, Disney still does a pretty good job on the rides even though the theme was kind of lame because there were no classic characters and during Covid they were just up on balconies and bridges that you couldn’t get anywhere near them.

  5. Oh don't you worry, they have another franchise, for the next move Lucasfilms will dance on the grave of Bowie and destroy Labyrinth. Wonder who will be the new Jareth and who does the music, quite a lot of easy guesses haha…I've got it! Lil Nas X as The Goblin King and Sarah played by Rob Schneider (as a stapler) with a rap sound track!!!! but a twist he will be playing Jareth as a female! That shit is gonna make billions!!!!

  6. I knew Indiana Jones will be dog shoot, same with Star Wars movies made after episode 6. Stop investing your emotions on movies, invest them on things that give you passion and joy. Because the movies Studios stopped seeing me and you guys as smart people a while ago.

  7. I still have hope for this one, but that could be misplaced. I mean, I doubt (pray) that they won’t put politics or try to make a new person to take put the hat.
    Edit: Oh no, I got to the reviews.

  8. I think Kathleen Kennedy is the wrong person to blame fur its failure the blame should be on the screenwriters. David Koepp is one of the worst writers he has no idea what a story is three elements MUST be employed for a great story; conflict action and suspense. This looks to be worsethsn temple of Doom snd that raging trash Kingdom of the Crytstal Skulls combined.

  9. As child all I wanted be was Indy its sad but that’s how much I loved the films. I don’t watch crystal skull or will go to to see dial on principle that they suck and I refuse to let these idiots ruin everything I loved so I pretend they don’t exist, pretty much like Star Wars really which is what you highlighted too… fxxk

  10. I'm watching movies pre-90s. Nothing today interests me as there are ideologies, political correctness and stuff I'm trying to avoid when watching a film.

  11. The film is like a commentary on how shallow and smug the current generation is vs the giants of the past that made great things. Their "professors" in school did not educate anyone, they just indoctrinated an entire generation into the lie that the past was bad and they were "special". Marxists all.

  12. i am seeing some you tube videos that say a Saudi sheikh is going to buy Lucas art from Disney for 12 billion or something, is there any truth to this? from what disney has done to this franchise i am willing to bet on sand people to make it better

  13. It’s all about the message these days and the writers in Hollywood have forgotten how to tell coherent and entertaining stories. I recently watched Evil Dead Rise and it was the dumbest shit ever. No one in the movie even seemed to care that their family members were dying. At one point they just shrugged off a teenage family member being possessed and dying and went off to find a way out for themselves. But hey there is a trans kid and a practically all female cast minus the trans kid. They also threw in some anti-gun rhetoric in the middle of a demonic situation where anyone capable of rational thought would wish they had a gun. That’s all a movie needs these days.

  14. When i saw the trailer i was so worried and expected it to be another great movie ruined by “Modern take” in movies. Tho even that i still really hoped that it would be at least a great movie.

    Now seeing this and hearing about it, it actually breaks my heart because I absolutely loved the Indiana Jones series and now seeing it also ruined really hurts alot, i agree that some things are just best left alone.

    Im still going to watch the movie “PIRATED” cause i dont give a fuck anymore, they don’t deserve my money at all

  15. One of the highlights of this movie was when Indiana Jones fell on a dark abyss holding a pride flag on one hand and gender studies book on the other hand. He was wearing a tshirt that said “the future is female” and, before disappearing into the darkness, he screamed “down with the patriarchy!!”

  16. Why are you slating this movie when you haven’t even seen it. I have. It’s a fun instalment. Better than Crystal and in a par with Doom – oh let me guess – it’s because it has a woman in it that has an opinion and isn’t a wallflower – that’s right – Drinker’s hatred of women and toxic masculinity continues


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