In A Flooded Dystopian Earth The Last Humans Control A Weapon That Can End Earth

Movie: LastSentinel 2023

In a dystopian world where Earth has been thrown off its axis, causing massive flooding, two continents are at war. Separating the continents is the Sentinel, a military outpost in the middle of the ocean. When the garrison spots a boat drifting towards them, the soldiers are forced to confront the mystery of its origins, testing their unity and ultimately challenging their allegiance to their country.

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16 thoughts on “In A Flooded Dystopian Earth The Last Humans Control A Weapon That Can End Earth”

  1. The ironic thing in the recap title is, the "weapon that can end earth" is a nuclear bomb meant to demolish the whole platform group should the situation goes to shit. It wouldn't even put a dent on this planet should it go off, even if it is a 20 megaton yield

    As if a nuke like in the film can wipe out earth if it did!


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