The Real Reason I Had To Leave Sherpa Home That Day

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31 thoughts on “The Real Reason I Had To Leave Sherpa Home That Day”

  1. I too Jaime, have to get glasses to renew my driver's license. Medicare Lady came over today to sign up for Medicare too. I turned 65yrs today my birthday. I miss my Cookie badly 😢 was crying she wasn't here with me. Giving chicken nuggets to Sherpa when you came home so sweeeeeet ❤❤❤Joan 😊

  2. I've worn glasses since I was six years old and I'm 45. Old age catching up on you Jamie 😉

    Lucky Sherpa getting chicken mcnuggets. I bought my Monty (Chihuahua mix) chicken mcnuggets on our way to the vet for him to be put to sleep but he was in too much pain and wouldn't touch them. That was Monday two weeks ago. I miss my best buddy so much. So hard losing a member of the family.

  3. Been wearing glasses since I was 11. When I put the first pair on, I was amazed I could actually see the individual leaves on the trees. And the blackboard at school. You are quite lucky to have gone this long.

  4. You'll look very distinguished with your glasses You should have asked for the prescription and then you could have bought then online They are WAY cheaper than the opticians and just as good xx

  5. With my own eyes – the left is the dominant one. In fact – there's such a difference between them, that my brain literally ignores the right-eye's image. Been like that for 20-odd years. I need glasses for computer work/reading. Wait til you get to my age (61). Give my best to Sherpie.

  6. I know how you feel about leaving him alone. We have young dogs now as our older babies have passed. So, it’s easy to take the pups with us & one is in Service Dog training to assist my daughter. We did get a kennel for both though which gives us freedom to run errands & they’re happy in their own spaces. But we do include them most of the time & we’re starting regular walks soon. There’s a nice Japanese garden nearby & perfect for dog walks plus beauty to see.
    Thank you for sharing your lives with us!

  7. Sherpa's precious, all flopped over by the door waiting for you to get home. Also for nuggies, but mostly for love. (…And the love of nuggies.)

    Glasses are an adjustment, but it's better than giving yourself all kinds of headaches and making your eyes worse long-term. I think the faux-studious look will suit you. Tip: buy alcohol-based lens cleaners and keep some in your pocket. Getting used to wearing glasses tends to come with lots of accidentally touching-and-smudging your lenses. Alcohol-based cleaning stuff (wipes or a spray solution) breaks up the oils from fingerprints, where just wiping 'em on your shirt smudges those oils all over the lens.

  8. That was brilliant, "I've got to go out in a minute, you need to come here for a sec, I'll be about an hour" then as you're leaving "see you in a minute" of course we all do it, but we don't actually think about it!


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