I'm launching prototype Battleships to defend Earth – Terra Invicta


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22 thoughts on “I'm launching prototype Battleships to defend Earth – Terra Invicta”

  1. Dude you need to learn the difference between the universe and galaxies and a solar system and the difference between stars and planets. You use them interchangeably and they are not

  2. I had the same problem like had, but i solved it by building fleets with no armor just missles short Range sitting near my "bait and hook" station. In that fleet we have 1 Monitor with a lot of armor and PDs. Rest are small ships with rockets. The biggest fleet that came after me so far where 3 alien ships. That simly could not handle the missile barrages. The normaly kill almost my hole fleet but thats are just cheep ships and the monitor survives almost everytime. At some point i out produced them and used numbers and not quality agains them. Still its a problem since they come after me every like 10 min…..

  3. 24:15 Good thing the battleship's ass is so well armored. this armor never gets even 1 shot. πŸ˜…

    you have to learn how to build ships.

    you use the long-distance drives that have hardly any forward drive for combat ships that are not small and can not dodge anything.
    you build armor on ships that get even one shot.
    and you do marien on a battleship, although those ships are unlikely to ever infiltrate an enemy base.
    You don't have the technology to mess with the aliens !
    so you have to build fast ships in 2 classes.
    Class 1 as cheap as possible with point defenses charging at enemies as a meat shield.
    Class 2 several missel ships. you must lob more missiles than the enemy OP point defenses can intercept.

    2x class 1 and 3x class 2 ships with cheap chemical rocket propulsion should be able to kill one aline destroyer.
    And these 5 ships are then cheaper than 1 battle ship, which is damn expensive and doesn't even survive 2 rockets.

    34:40 because an aline hydra on the planet helps the other factions to take over your lands.
    if you don't find her you lose everything

  4. As soon as the aliens start getting aggressive I find it was helpful to negotiate non-aggression pacts with the other factions so they wouldn't target me. Most of them were willing to do so and give me money / stuff because I was ahead of them.

  5. -"The Grid drive is kinda the best"
    -Me seeing 10 milliees of combat acc. on his combat ships: O.O

    You do know that your are technically sticking glorified Ion Drives on your combat vessels? πŸ˜› You want to have atleast something like 900 miligees combat acc. on your combatships, preferable more than 1-2 gees. The more the better. To qoute Homer: "You juust strap in an feel the geeeeeeees" πŸ˜€
    What a fun playthrough πŸ™‚ I am currently playing a nukehappy Project Exodus.

  6. a tip for future episodes, when in space battles having a dedicated PD ship to screen for the missile monitors would allow you to win, the game ends when either side has lost all ships notice that you still had missiles tracking the second enemy ship but game ended. a dedicated PD or survival ship would allow the fight to continue and potentially win

  7. I have to commend the writer responsible for the Hydra interrogation text. It is very beliavable as a first contact convo with a species that views others as tools and gives a clear view of how different the perspective and conceptual understanding of the world is between the Hydra and Humans.

  8. Heavy kerbal space program player here.

    Devlta V = effectively the range of your ship. more precisely, if you are in intergalactic space with effectively a flat gravity potential well delta v is how fast you would be moving if you used up all your fuel in a straight shot
    Thrust = how much force your engine output. Higher thrust = higher acceleration and typically is balanced by being less efficient giving less delta V
    Mass = self explanitory a bit, higher mass means lower acceleration and delta v (but more payload)
    Exhaust velocity and power efficiency together = effectively detail the components of a property called "Isp" (thats a capital i not an L) and means your ships fuel efficiency. An engine with a higher Isp on a ship with the same mass and thrust as another will have greater delta V.
    Propellant = the being fuel used, typically lighter propellants result in higher Isp and heavier propellant's typically mean more thrust. lighter propellants are typically less dense as well though meaning they may require more tank mass to hold them.

    Please let me know if this is helpful or if you would like more explained or if youd like me to point you in directions to better understand these concepts.


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