If We Lived On Mars, Could We See Earth? #shorts

If we lived on Mars, could we see planet Earth in the sky.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and Mars is fourth.

So yes, just as you can see Mars from Earth, you can see Earth from Mars. Earth is actually brighter on Mars than Mars is on Earth because Earth is so much bigger.


22 thoughts on “If We Lived On Mars, Could We See Earth? #shorts”

  1. πŸ”₯ NASA LIES πŸ”₯ We can put a probe on Mars, but we can't put a person back on the MOON b/c We lost the technology to return to the moon.

    Yeah, they really said that.

  2. Esos astros son igual a la tierra.
    En el norte de mi pais esta EL VALLE DE LA LUNA. Un terreno inospito como la luna…y todos los planetas.
    Dejen tranquilo al unoverso. Esa platita que gastan. Densela a lis pobres del mundo que son muchos.
    Nada encontraran…


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