The Strongest Horses In the World. Draft Horses !!!

All horses are strong. This is a fact that cannot be disputed. Any horse can move 1000 or even 1500 kilograms.
However, there are horses that can move even dozens of tons.
We present to your attention large and massive, strong and hardy horses.


35 thoughts on “The Strongest Horses In the World. Draft Horses !!!”

  1. اييا . كسرة على الياء و وفتحة على الثانية والالف مد الجسد . ااحيا . تعني ارفع رجليك الامامية للاعلى . احي تعني اركل بكلتا رجليا . احا اركل باليمنى . ومنها حي على الصلاة .

  2. It is so sad that humans literally created what horses became for our own use and now we are abandoning them for the most part within the last 100 years. I am grateful that I was able to live among these beautiful animals as who's to know if they will even exist into the future

  3. no. They are not used so that people can make a living and grow their food in fields in order to have something to eat. They are only displayed at events. it's a hobby. not more. Very rarely 1 in a million times a Horse is used to pull stems out of the wood. But only a few meters until a harvester can grab them and load them on a truck. Anything else people telling u are romantic conspiracy theories

  4. I am not a horse person. I state that proudly. But I know a little bit about horses. My dad rode horses since he was a little kid and he has worked with Amish logging crews since 1997. And I dated a horse girl. Fellas, listen up (not recommended). The statistics in this video were so sporadic. They need to have a general "dyno test"for these horses. Because every breed has their "Andre the Giant". No matter what species or bloodline it is. There needs to be a plain and simple competition to see who is the strongest. Judging by the footage of this video, all the statistics are estimations at best. I would like to see a real sanctioned competition. I think everybody would. And I don't think it would come down to breed. I think it will come down to individual and training. Just like the olympics.

  5. I love to see my breeds here! Brabander (Brabant, Belgium) and the Dutch draft horse! Best draft horses in the world.
    Still little confused though, why is not the Ardennes on the list? One of the oldest breed…

  6. These horses were bred to work. If they don’t stretch and use their muscles, the muscles will hurt. Just like working dogs, the horses love to do normal work. Some of the heavy pulling events look like abuse, though.

  7. I dont agree that all horses 'enjoy' this work. Many are beaten into submission, worked till they are dead. We enslave our animals, they get no choice in their destiny. So, if you have a working horse, treat it extremely well, dont make it work beyond its capability and allow it to retire when its working days are done. No kill pens for these beautiful creatures or you will be cursed forever.


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