Ideas on how to build a PERFECT Horde Base!

This is your one-stop-shop for everything you should know before designing and building a Horde Base in 7 Days to Die that can carry you through even to day 7000 at MAX gamestage!

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Eko’s How To Control Zombies:
Primate’s Levitating Base:
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0:00 Intro
0:14 Zombie Pathing
1:26 Stability & Bedrock Connection
2:37 The 5 Threats
3:41 Types of Horde Base
5:28 Levitation
5:55 Fighting Position
6:29 Fall Back Positions
6:54 Special Shapes
7:40 Pits
7:56 Rage Mode
8:40 Grenade Chutes
8:55 Ramps
9:09 Obstacles
9:27 Crawlers
9:39 Air Defense
9:59 Blast Shields
10:25 Fall Damage
10:58 Bedrock
11:19 Turrets
11:36 Electric Fences
12:05 Blade Traps
12:22 Spikes
12:43 Dart Traps & Triggers
13:43 Automated Doors
14:05 Example Base
18:13 Day 7000 Horde Test
26:28 Damage Assessment
27:11 Outro

#7DaysToDie #tipsandtricks #alpha20


39 thoughts on “Ideas on how to build a PERFECT Horde Base!”

  1. Dude! THANK YOU for this. It’s great info. I lost my gaming desktop to its motherboard 😢 now playing on my gaming laptop (I know I know NOT reliable) and I haven’t played for a while and forgot their pathways. I have to keep the specs low and can’t have too many zombies 😭. Nice job giving other YouTubers a shout out ❤

  2. Just got into this game, how viable is just… not being at a base during the horde? Like my first horde night I just ran around exploring part of the map occasionally hanging out and letting zombies spawn to kill for some xp

  3. I start the typical stair style base with a main base 5 wide with a sledgey boy to reset their path but as I go into late game I expand the runway to 3 wide wall off the sides so they don't reset I place eletirc wire traps for ez head shots blade trap before main stair case to weaken them before they climb I have a cage made of bars to shoot through and the classic hatch smg turrets on the sides of hatch lined up with the main path switches for all traps so i can activate everything as needed and a single block inside my main kill room for a robotic ranged turret, seeing that water pit reduces the rage mode I may just start adding that into the mix

  4. Love this info. I used to play and stoped after they made pathing to turrets harder to do forcing us to take out skills in many areas. i have reinstalled and started researching bases. I would like to build a base that doesnt have gapping blocks and focuses on turrets again. I wonder if you have any vidoes i can go at this style with? Thinking maybe a bedrock base might be doable but to what extent i do not know yet because i still want to use turrets

  5. My buddy and I have always used a slightly altered variant of the turtle base. We'd build a house like base on the ground, then dig out a trench usually 4-5 blocks in width surrounding the base, and dig out a "basement" structure under the house which housed what we call "The Gore Hall" The Gore Hall is a basement structure that is larger in width and length than the above base, and houses an inner section to enter the base above, with a surrounding hallway lined with bars and downward facing stair blocks for the ability to fire at zombies on the ground or digging below. The trench would be filled with spikes with a line of barbed wire on the blocks directly outside the bars, slowing zombie travel. For entrance into our base we'd either hope we're really good at parkour or temporarily make a frame bridge to then destroy, until we get a drawbridge. Usually my buddy stays topside with an LMG and I stay in the Gore Hall with my trusty Auto shotgun. As the base goes through more horde nights, the trench is gradually expanded by zombies breaking blocks, especially demos. It's not a perfect design but the use of the trench slows down the zombie advance drastically and leaves us out of sight of police zombies long enough to kill them before they can even spit. We've had 2 big time bases with this design philosophy, One was utterly annihilated as we put our game stage really high as our sendoff to that playthrough, and the last one received major damage on one occasion but was never destroyed. We're actually in the beginning phase of another play through with Alpha 21 and we're absolutely gonna do it again as it makes horde night so much fun

  6. True neebies group could help but they make comedy gaming..i found best trap base on xbox one i took i high rock and built on top of it and made maze spikes and wood spikes below it and a single plat forms with hatch doors blocking climbing…but they still break threw and climb to two floor but its single so they fall back down in traps or melee them , just rember 7 th day the wreck bottom heavy but not enough get in..not yet this horde day 28th..dogs and spiders have issues they move fast on 2 nd lv

  7. Even if you fall off u take least 20 ho dmg getting out but zombies die 20 seconds in ..wall spikes and wooden spikes and wall spikes have hatchdoors flip back have them no climbing or to front pile them in climb up and melee them…rember fix hatchdoor from time to time or u have nice pile climbing up..i kiled already 1000 zombies traping them in traps and melee them..some dont even move just stay stun..


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