Idaho College Killings: 113 pieces of evidence collected from crime scene | Morning in America

The home where four University of Idaho students were stabbed to death is a complicated scene for investigators. With the killer not captured and the weapon not yet found, every bit of evidence could be the key piece that could crack the case wide open.

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25 thoughts on “Idaho College Killings: 113 pieces of evidence collected from crime scene | Morning in America”

  1. I'm worried that we may be dealing with an out of town serial killer. I think most people would rather think about it being someone the victims knew because then they get to play Clue. If it is some random serial killer there is very little the public can do or speculate about.. We can't look at footage of friends acquaintances, neighbors or family members and ask ourselves "Hey are they acting hinky? That leaves us feeling powerless and bruises our egos..

    I think it's become a real mental block. It's just an ego trip that first tricks us into convincing ourselves that their is a discoverable motive and plenty to go on if we really concentrate when in actuality there may not be. Then before you know it we have convinced ourselves we know the killer is insert name here. I hope it's not a random serial killer because our track record of catching serial murderers is not good. But I refuse to be blinded to the possibility.

  2. I'm worried that we may be dealing with an out of town serial killer. I think most people would rather think about it being someone the victims knew because then they get to play Clue. If it is some random serial killer there is very little the public can do or speculate about.. We can't look at footage of friends acquaintances, neighbors or family members and ask ourselves "Hey are they acting hinky? That leaves us feeling powerless and bruises our egos..

    I think it's become a real mental block. It's just an ego trip that first tricks us into convincing ourselves that their is a discoverable motive and plenty to go on if we really concentrate when in actuality there may not be. Then before you know it we have convinced ourselves we know the killer is insert name here. I hope it's not a random serial killer because our track record of catching serial murderers is not good. But I refuse to be blinded to the possibility.

  3. Of course they were targeted attacks. You donā€™t need an expert to explain that unless your stupid.
    Of course they were targeted, of course Kaylee was the priority, of course it was sexually motivated and of course the killer knew her or all of them.
    I suspect there was some sort of Mutilation to kaylees genitalia, breasts and or both..
    I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the killed ejaculated on the scene.
    That doesnā€™t mean he left DNA and if he did given his age itā€™s likely heā€™s not in any data base. The police may have an idea who he is but donā€™t have enough for a warrant . They could be waiting get his DNA from his trash etc but that will take time.
    This is just one example of why they are keeping quiet or even using disinformation.
    They want the killer to think they got away with it and of course the parents wonā€™t keep quiet.
    The killer may have stabbed Kaylee in her eyes or mutilated her face and left her posed unlike the others.
    Maybe even leaving the two girls posed in a sexual manner together to degrade them as they were in the same bed.
    I doubt he left blood DNA as he was probably wearing gloves due to the weather and to eliminate finger prints.
    The gloves were probably thin possibly even latex so he could get a better grip on the hilt in order to avoid cutting himself in a frenzied attack.
    The killer no doubt kept the knife for sentient.
    He most likely took souvenirs certainly from Kaylee.
    He will probably have something wrong with him sexually like Impotence or Some deformity.
    He used the knife on Kaylee in place of his penis. ā€œPiquerismā€
    I would look for him to make up for his insecurities in the bedroom in other areas. Possibly bodybuilding or fitness.
    It wouldnā€™t Necessarily take an extra strong person ie bodybuilder to overwhelm three girls and a small boy however it would help.
    The victims were more than likely in a deep sleep and hungover or under the influence of something. Possibly from the killer earlier in the evening. Making it quite easy to dispatch them with a really big knife.
    I would think he would or will return to the scene in some form.
    I would have undercovers everywhere 24 hours
    At all points where the home is visible 360 degrees.
    He was probably at the vigil.
    I havenā€™t even looked at the terrain surrounding the house but if thereā€™s woods in the back thatā€™s where he came from and left from.
    Iā€™m sure there must be some blood leaving the house and Iā€™ll bet thatā€™s where itā€™s leading.
    He either parked his vehicle off the road somewhere on the other side of the woods or he lives close enough to walk unseen at night.
    Iā€™m sure they are checking traffic cameras on every single car within 2 miles of that house that night.
    I assume he killed Kaylee last ā€œ his priorityā€ so he didnā€™t bother with the other two left alive.
    Iā€™m sure they will catch this guy and could possibly even know who he is.
    If they donā€™t he will most certainly kill again as he has a taste for it.
    All I know is thereā€™s a bad man out there tonight and he needs to be caught.
    Instagram chris_miller_time

  4. i heard some where there were no foot prints left by the intruder. with the amount of blood that had to been spilled by the multiple stabbing of four people how could no foot prints be possible. it must be true because the roommate that called friends to come to the residence because she couldn't wake them up would have know to call police instead if blood had been present

  5. (My psychic says it is the black kid ) I made this joke with humor intended, I apologize if I hurt a decent persons feelings attempting to do so. I admit I am fed up with hearing the word "racist" being used over and over and over again as I have always been fair to all races. I watch BLM and these liberal apologists run wild when some blacks deserve to be called out for their behavior and I'm tired of that. I've not been pleased seeing that Will Smith is now in a racial tear jerking movie when he should not be in any movie. I say this as I retract my racial joke, I am sorry if I truly hurt someone's feelings. I suppose this is why I received a youtube warning.

  6. Yesterday, I saw an article on a cold case from Moscow from the 90s. The victim, was Wil Hendrix whose skull was found 3 years after he went missing. I remember seeing his case on unsolved mysteries anyway, please let's find his killer and the killer of these 4 victims.

  7. He is assuming that someone "slipped" in an out of the home. What if they, perp, had been couch hopping, hanging out, invited in and assumed non-threatening. Could it be they got up in the night, wee hour, when everyone was sleep and killed the four. Why were the girls sleeping together. Did they give up their room to someone. Did Maddie let someone, ex-boyfriend's mother, uncle, sister, roommate or homeless friend stay in her room since she was moving and not even residing at the home? Therefore giving up her bed and slept in her friend's bed. Was it the ex-boyfriend's female friend or male friend, father or mother, older brother or sister staying at the house. Why keep calling the ex-boyfriend all night, 7times, with no answer? Was it to request he retreive a pal needing a place to crash. Did they all go to sleep after an argument or told the person to leave in the morning? Did the person need something from the four that they didn't get? Just speculation. It seems the killer killed them and closed the doors of 2 rooms, knowing they, the victims, would be locked in from housemates and assumed sleeping. That may have given them time to leave quietly and drive away, or was it a neighbor, so they walked home, but left their dog in the house intending to return after cleaning up. Did they leave sliding glass door unlocked, hoping to slip back in for the dog?

  8. This is so bizarre. The roommates waited so long to call the cops. They were brutally stabbed blood everywhere and they said ā€˜they couldnā€™t wake them upā€™ or something?? Thereā€™s something really wrong there. I think theyā€™ve got to be involved in some way.


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