I Really Want This In The New Upcoming 1.6 Update! – Stardew Valley

➤ My dream wishlist for the upcoming 1.6 Stardew Valley update!

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24 thoughts on “I Really Want This In The New Upcoming 1.6 Update! – Stardew Valley”

  1. My wishlist:
    New major event! Farmers birthday would be so nice😭💙
    Have the kids grow up twice! I.E: they grow up to teenagers, have a birthday(mini event), and then have another birthday where depending on how you answer, your kid either stays with you to keep traditions going, or they go off on their own.
    Frog Legs would be a great new recipe, each time you get a frog, they produce frog legs or eggs, maybe it switches between the two depending on the good luck level of the day. (Neutral days wouldn't get you anything).
    Another date night❤! An anniversary date night would be so sweet! Bonus points if we could have the option to be the organizers instead of our house husbands/wives doing the work, since they've already done a date night.
    Re: kids aging. Depending on how you answer the kid asking what they should do, if you picked a negative answer, they leave the farm forever. If you chose a neutral answer, they come and visit every other weekend of the month(this, creating 100+ new dialogue options). If you answer good, they stay with you until your anniversary date night, that's when they'll take off and marry their own partner(maybe somebody from Zuzu city), for the cut scene you see a mini time lapse of how their visit went, and it ends off with everybody laughing, and then your done! Chosing the good route will max out your child's hearts instantly, but chosing the bad option basically leaves you at 1 heart.

  2. ❤🧑🏽‍🦳🎮☕ hello 👋🏼 sharky! Does this mean that our Nintendo Switches will also get the 1.6 update too?
    It would be nice if we could get the 1.6 too?


  3. ❤🧑🏽‍🦳🎮 hi 👋🏼 sharky! I would like to see new crop seeds and fruit trees like banana 🍌, papia fruit black berries coconut 🥥 cocoa beans 🫘 to grow the Coco trees, new animals, sheep 🐑🐏 festival,cow 🐮 festival etc, cooking festivals maybe go for a ride out of town on your horse or have Clint sell iridium ore for a low price & have him lower his price for gold, give us our own mine's on our property with out slime balls coming after you, & lower the level when we can get and grow sugar and beets , be able to upgrade our greenhouse thru our contractor n be able to buy more upgrades to our house n renovate it to where everything is on one level where we can have our cozy house on one end and crafting, n special indoor crops two special greenhouses attached to the other 4 greenhouses that would be attached to the three storage sheds, that would house kegs & preserve jars that can be upgraded so you won't have to have millions of kegs n preserve jars all over the place, and to be able to sell the clothing items or what ever you make for the cloth you get from your sheep, goat or rabbit, n be able to buy lizards n other animals from marni animal shop! That would be wonderful!


  4. What about getting sick or your friends getting sick and you have to learn medication recipes, forage plants, etc. to help heal them or make them better. Depending on the severity of the illness, would depend on what kind of great prize you would get., or recipe. Or what about worse weather events, tornado, or hurricane. 😊 Thanks for all the great ideas Sharky!!❤

  5. Parrots could talk ! Maybe training them to talk could be a new skill. I love your aviary idea. As for furniture, it would be nice to place a tropical dresser in the Ginger Island house

  6. My wishes:
    – New Area
    – Massive Farm to customize to my little heart's content
    – New crops (I really want broccoli; it's my fav veg.)
    – Point to kids
    – 2 new marriage candidates, I'm kinda tired of the old ones
    – Give the existing marriage candidates better post marriage story. I always feel bad marrying some of them cause they give up on their dreams.
    – Fix Shane. Post marriage it seems like he goes back to being an alcoholic based on his room and that he still loves alcohol. It'd be great if after he chooses to get sober, all alcohol becomes a hated gift for him.

  7. I want pets that can come with you and fight off monsters! I would enjoy collecting certain types of monsters as pets too! The fighting pet I want the most is a silver sheened fighting pet bat! Though that may be asking for too much…

  8. I would really love an expansion of marriage and improvement of children. I think our spouses should do more and say more and their dialogue shouldn’t become so repetitive and boring. And it would be great if our children could maybe grow up a little bit more to be Jas and Vincent’s age. And maybe they could have their own dialogue and cut scenes as well.

  9. While I would play and enjoy a jungle farm, I think I would personally rather have something like a tundra farm that would be a bit of a challenge farm like what was mentioned in the last video.

  10. like i thought the crab pot skill will be removed and replaced into pond related skills and with fish auto feeder we can make fish pond farm more easy maybe we also got crab farm if possible.

    the new map for 8 players should be like spiders web we got our each farm space.

    im sure the new map is a swamp map in there there's river where land near it is always wet so it's will help players.

    what i want next is mushroom farm where we can get craft mushroom box and new mushroom.

  11. Here's my hope for 1.6
    New Farm – swamp farm – most of the map soil is muddy (has a high chance to stay watered the next day) but unstable (cannot build on), also mushrooms would spawn randomly on this map
    New Animal Type – frogs, the graphic showed void, gold and regular frogs which mirrors the chickens, that doesn't seem like a coincidence. Though I don't know what they would produce. Maybe you can just sell them. But to catch them you need a…
    Bug Net – catch a variety of butterflies and other insects in the net which can be sold or collected, insects are more likely to spawn on the new swamp map
    New Mini Festivals – #1 New Years, I think this would be a mini festival because you need time to progress. If you are friends with someone they will invite you to one of the party locations (Gus's, the beach, the lake in the woods) and they will be happy if you show up. Fireworks will go off at midnight. If you are dating someone you can kiss them at midnight. #2 Thanksgiving – villagers who are friends/lovers will invite you to their house for dinner, you can only go to one house
    Major Festival – Animal Contest – kind of similar to the judging at the Stardew Fair, but for animals instead of produce/artisan goods, maybe there could even be an event like a horse race you can enter if you have a horse

  12. My love-to-have is small, but it would be nice to have the NPC's acknowledge your marriage and kids – dialogue like "you and [spouse name] are such a great couple" or "[kid name] is growing up so fast!". Also dialogue for the kids. I know there are mods that do this but it would be great to have in vanilla.
    Also, I love that we're geting winter outfits and would love to see more NPC outfit changes throughout the seasons and festivals.
    Finally, speaking of mods, it would be nice to have something like UI Info Suite in vanilla. The sell prices, NPC locations on map, crop time. It would be great not to have to fuss with mods

  13. What if the Joja parrots allow you to have buildings on Ginger island!?
    You pay the parrots and Joja come over night and start building for you but they don’t have a Joja store on Ginger island, just the parrots.

    I really hope we can get frogs in the update, me and my husband Sebby will have hundreds 😂


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