I Made a Million Dollar Meme Coin In 1 Hour (FULL GUIDE)

We successfully created a MILLION dollar meme coin in this video

Orion Tools: https://www.oriontools.io/

$HAMI website: https://hamicoin.com/

Raydium Create Market: https://raydium.io/create-market/

DexScreener New Pairs: https://dexscreener.com/new-pairs?rankBy=pairAge&order=asc&chainIds=solana&minLiq=1000

Raydium Pool creation info: https://docs.raydium.io/raydium/pool-creation/creating-a-standard-amm-pool

Raydium add liquidity: https://raydium.io/liquidity/add

View your token chart: https://birdeye.so/token/ YOURTOKENADDRESS

DexTools: https://www.dextools.io/app


28 thoughts on “I Made a Million Dollar Meme Coin In 1 Hour (FULL GUIDE)”

  1. Thank you for the informative video Baird. My only question for you is how you get your cut in the token. Do you only profit when you sell the 10% of coins you own just like any other investor? Thank you!!


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