I Had To Leave Florida Due To A Family Emergency – There’s A Giant Flamingo at the Tampa Airport

I had to leave Florida – My journey thru the Tampa International Airport

#family #is #life


49 thoughts on “I Had To Leave Florida Due To A Family Emergency – There’s A Giant Flamingo at the Tampa Airport”

  1. I'm glad you're going back to Indiana to spend time with your Grandparents Jay. I wish I had spent more time with my Grandparents before they passed away 😔. I miss them 😢 everyday. I 💖 the giant pink fla-min-go.

  2. Prayers for your grandmother. They say things do happen for a reason, you were meant to be in Indiana and not Boston. Loved the memory lane about the video store. I worked in one after I graduated from high school…good times. Got all the movies we wanted for free. Again, all the best for you and your family.

  3. At the theater all those movies you mentioned, I too my now grown daughters back in Miami!
    In my teen years I was in Lousiville and went every weekend downtown to see the action movies in several Downtown cinemas.
    So, I want to say keep the tradition going when YOU have kids! 😉

  4. Wait what? We lost power that morning?? I missed that lol. I love you babe<3 I'm glad I was around to watch Bella for you. She misses you! The shnoot of the flamingo LOL! It will be cool for you to see the flamingo project as it continues to be built, seeing as you will be back in that airport very soon. Oh nooo… you got an energy drink 🙁 I think this is a great vlog, you travel so much and I think it's interesting for people to know your process. AWwwwwwwwww babe….. you're my soulmate. It will be an honor for you to LET me meet your family lol! Seriously, it will be an honor, I can't wait. I loved your tour, I can't wait to receive it in person! I think tornado sirens are some of the scariest sounds in the world. And crinkle cut fries……. ughhh, the lesser of all the fries lol! I'm sure those are delicious though, I can't wait to try them!! You almost breaking down in tears and eating a burger… aw babe. I understand. I can see how much that place means to you. This was a great video, this is one of the many reasons why people fall in love with you and watch your videos. You share your life and bare your soul for people to connect with. Just skimming through your many comments on this video, you can see how much people care about you and it's just so easy to see why. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with you in the first place, you are a genuine and kind person. So glad you got to spend lots of time with family this weekend. I know it's never enough, but the effort you put into getting over there speaks volumes for your character. Again, one of the many reasons why I love you so much. I'm so proud of you Jay. Great video! <3 Cris your Girl

  5. Hope your grandma is doing well. Never knew about your dad. So sorry for your loss. Parents are hard ones to lose. Lost my dad is 2013 and my mom last week. Keep up the videos, enjoy them.

  6. Thank you so much for such a nostalgic walk through your childhood. I certainly hope you had a lovely visit with your grandmother and that all is well. Please be sure to give us an update on how she's doing! Be well, my friend.

  7. You're a good person! It's nice to see such positive content in today's world of mayhem! I appreciate you reminiscing about your childhood and sharing your experiences! Enjoy the time with your Grandmother and family! Take care and thank you for the stories!

  8. Go to St. Augustine in Florida and you will see plenty of old buildings. Well wishes and prayers for your Grandma. Hug her, spend time with her, and takes some pics with her. Your blessed with the opportunity to see her. My Grandma died in a nursing home and I never got the chance to say goodbye. So cherish this visit her. ✝️🙏🏻✝️

  9. Thank you sir for taking us on your travels…God bless your granny and the rest of your family….good journey thru your hometown 👍🏽 Great looking theater btw

  10. Hey love all your videos and that you’re a family guy, I’m from Indiana myself “New Harmony” small small town if you’ve ever heard of it. Moved to florida like you around the same time in 2004 😊Like you family always comes first to me too and my grandmaw was my life and Covid took her 2 years ago 😢sorry for your loss as well, love you videos especially the more personal ones and Halloween and film locations, love movies and especially Halloween/horror one 🥰🥰Take care look forward to more videos keep it up you bring joy to a lot of people out there including me!

  11. What the hell are you doing? Your posting had to do with your travel to be with your family in Indiana, however, everything that followed became a travelogue of your life in Indiana.


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