I Got My Ass Kicked


14 thoughts on “I Got My Ass Kicked”

  1. I think everyone has been sick here lately with the stopped up head. There also has been alot of people having side effects from the jab. I'll be praying for ya. Sure you will feel better soon.

  2. Seems like everyone is sick with congestion and flu symptoms. Fortunately I haven’t gotten anything. I tested positive for the C with the rapid test but negative for the one they test and send results to your email a week later. I never had the classic symptoms other than feeling like I needed a better nights rest. I haven’t been sick for 35 years and never considered myself a heathy conscious person. I don’t drink and never smoked. But I’ve been a bigger guy all my life and ate all the junk through the years. I had a heart attack 3 years ago needing stents. Once I hit 50 years old my health steadily got worse. I’m slowly losing weight and stopped drinking soda and most carbs. I haven’t switched to 100% carnivore due to my work schedule. I’m a corporate pilot and can’t always sit down to have only protein. I did cut out about 90% of the carbs. I hope you get to feeling better soon Steveo. Love your channel. Have a great weekend.

  3. My aunt immediately experienced partial facial paralysis and now deals with face spasms after the shot. My mom has been sick on and off year round after the shot. My dad shows clear signs of mental deterioration after the shot. They poisoned my family.

  4. You got this, am sure your blood pressure was high due to your cold as well.. 52 and no pills for me. I take a tablespoon of elderberry tincture a day. My whole household gets sick and I walk on by…. Knock on wood! Glad your feeling better STEVEO.

    Now trying to get off the sugar myself !

    No jab here for the family, and no sickness as of yet. Praise God…

  5. I’ve recently started taking l-citriline supplement and paying attention to how I feel because I take analapril for HBT. I have been watching Dr. Boz videos and others and I believe this supplement, in lieu of eating watermelon all the time, may help me get off the meds. I convinced my PCP to take me off of HCT and I’m gonna work him on stopping the astrostatin as well. LDL was up a little but HDL is fine. I’ve been eating the carnivore diet for since June and I told him how clear my mind is becoming and how less sore I feel these days. Let me know what you think about the l-citriline if you can.


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