Huron Blackheart! And The Rise Of The Red Corsairs After The War For Badab!

The history of Lufgt Huron after the badab war and the creation of the red corsairs deep withing the chaos warp storm the maelstrom! Where a protector of the Emperors Imperium became Huron Blackheart

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20 thoughts on “Huron Blackheart! And The Rise Of The Red Corsairs After The War For Badab!”

  1. You know Arch, a question I had watching your badab war series is, why did he not form an alliance with the tithe world? They would have gotten access to materials from a much larger area, and they could have supported his bids for more manpower. Am I missing something, or was that an oversight for them to further the plot?

  2. I may be taking some inspiration from a movie about a certain Panda, but I have this mental picture of Huron, his Corsairs brought to proper strength once more and with growing power in the Badab sector, ordering the imperial governor, Arbites, or even inquisitor stationed on a newly-conquered brought before him.

    They're dragged in, bruised and bloodied, expecting death, torture, or even worse, only to be told to stand before the former tyrant, while he informs them of their fate…

    That they are to be sent strait back into imperial space on a small ship with no fear of molestation by him, his corsairs, their allies, or any subjects.


    "Simple." He replies, "I want you to pass along a message that we'll be heard by the High Lords, and especially the Inquisitors and the various chapters numbered amongst the emperor's finest." His grin is like that of a famished wolf eyeing a warm carcass.

    "Tell them I'm coming. Tell them my brothers are coming, and nothing, not the imperial slave armies, not the babblers among the ecclesiarchy or scribblers of the administratum, the lunatics of the mad dogs of the inquisition, or the vaunted champions of the astartes…none of them will stop us."

    "Tell them Terra will burn for what it has done to us."

    "And tell them to pass along a special message for inquisitor Frayne and Culln."

    I'm coming for them. I'm going to find both of them, and before their time is over, they will know the horror of seeing everything they built and defended burned to the ground before their eyes. Their ears will hear the wails of those who trusted them. They will know what they unleashed on my brothers, and only then, after they are made to scream for death will I grant them such release.

    Now get to your ship. You have a long flight.

  3. Truly there is no greater enemy to the Imperium than itself. All the Imperium had to do was recognize the legitimacy of the Warder’s claims against Karthago. Then Huron would have stayed loyal and none but the Inquisition would have any idea that the Astral Claws were over strength.

  4. im just watching (slowly) the siege of vraks and something come to my mind
    why are there so many a*spulls?
    Every single fight is like "they lost 90% of their supplies and manpower, outnumbered 10k to one. But through their heroics, they conjure up their magic weapons ammo and tactics" and win

    im either too peasant to understand tactics or the writers just trying to insult the reader's intellect


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