Hunter WARNS Of NEW SPECIES In KENTUCKY (17 TRUE Scary Hunter and Hunting Horror Stories) – Creepy

Hunter WARNS Of NEW SPECIES In KENTUCKY (17 TRUE Scary Hunter and Hunting Horror Stories) – Creepy




Our daily upload schedule (may vary):

Mon – Navy Seal/Special Forces/Military Horror Stories
Tue – Deep Woods/Camping/Park Ranger Horror Stories
Wed – Hiking/Hunting Horror Stories
Thurs -Creature Encounter/Trucker Horror Stories
Fri – Cryptid Sightings/National Park Horror Stories
Sat-Sun -3 Hours of Horror Stories (Compilations)

Hello, son and daughter!

I’m an Old Texas Scare. An old man from Texas that likes horror. On this channel, I’m focused on narrating and finding true scary stories and true horror stories. Our team writes and narrates scary stories that are mostly about deep woods, park rangers, cryptid encounters,creature sightings and national park horror experiences.

#parkranger #horrorstories #scarystories


7 thoughts on “Hunter WARNS Of NEW SPECIES In KENTUCKY (17 TRUE Scary Hunter and Hunting Horror Stories) – Creepy”

  1. My virtual assistant has many capabilities such as jokes and puns and tongue twisters and anything's and even flashes, and jokes and other things,so I ask it why did the alligator crossed the road, then said to be by you.

  2. Apologies accepted (lol) about the Norwegian joke in one of the stories. My grandparents (Dad's parents) came to the US from Norway. My grandfather changed their last name, because he wanted to "be an American" (the name change may have worked, but only until he "opened his mouth"), so my legal last name is different than what I consider to be my "real" last name.
    About the "wolves," that were suspected as being "Hell Hounds" in another story, from what I have learned about differences between the creature called a "Hell Hound" and the creature called a "Dogman," their eye color is different and the usual temperament is different. "Hell Hounds" have been described as having red eyes, whereas a "Dogman" usually has amber colored eyes (I've heard of them having blue eyes, also, but I think that those were just the young ones, whose eyes would be changing with maturity). Also, aggressiveness seems to be the usual and predicted behavior of the "Hell Hound" (hence the name), whereas some, "Dogman" have been described as being aggressive, but they are usually just curious and they tend to avoid human contact. The behavior of the creatures, that the person in the story described, sounded more like "Dogman" creatures than "Hell Hound" creatures. I don't think that "Hell Hounds" would have let them go without some kind of confrontation. There is a "boundary" line in the US, that seems to divide the predicted behavior of the "Dogman" and "Bigfoot" creatures. That is somewhere around the "Land Between the Lakes." The aggressive creatures tend to be on the north side, and the non-aggressive creatures tend to be on the south side. Tim "Coonbo" Baker has done an extensive study of the encounters that people have had with these creatures. He theorizes that the difference in the behavior of certain cryptids has something to do with the water, and the run-off into the water of certains minerals due to mining done in those areas. If you look up the different minerals that might get into the water of streams due to mining (past or present), you will see a list of minerals and of the effects that such minerals have on the brain, resulting in differing behaviors, with some effects being very aggressive behavior. The stories that Tim "Coonbo" Baker has told on YouTube are very interesting. I first learned about encounters where people did not survive from the aggressiveness of "Bigfoot" and "Dogman" creatures from the stories told by "Coonbo." They are scary and gruesome.


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