Hundreds of NATO Paratroopers Land along the Poland-Ukrainian Border

Hundreds of NATO Paratroopers Land along the Poland-Ukrainian Border

In order to integrate airborne unit soldiers from different NATO countries, paratroopers from Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, and the United Kingdom recently gathered near Krakow. They executed more than 400 parachute jumps from the decks of C-295M aircraft and W-3 Sokó helicopters, landing in the Bdowska Desert and Lake Ywieckie in southern Poland.
#ukraine #paratroopers #nato #natoallies


6 thoughts on “Hundreds of NATO Paratroopers Land along the Poland-Ukrainian Border”

  1. давайте пендосы – Вагнера вас давно ждут что бы брать в плен тех, кто поумнее, а остальных положат под польскими яблонями..😆😆😆


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