Humanity Full Potential vs Everything | Fiction & Mythology & Reality | #humanpotential #whowins

48th time editing

just for fun


#edit #human #humanity #vs #everything #anime #games #comics #cartoon #manga #manhwa #manhua #novels #scp #fiction #greekmythology #egyptianmythology #mythology #powerscaling #kardashevscale #truegod


40 thoughts on “Humanity Full Potential vs Everything | Fiction & Mythology & Reality | #humanpotential #whowins”

  1. Reality win against humans
    Because you all know nature can literally wipe out humanity to extinction easily
    If humans win against reality. Then they might need to defeat the law of life and death
    This is cap after you said humans win against reality
    Look like humans is being overrated themself now

  2. Guys only thing holding us back is there to many genders? 😂😂😂

    And people are racist and been here together for like 200k not me i look that one up

    And if every country was one we all ready be type 2 or 3 civilization but not ever 1 because we are divided

  3. dude im checking the comments and holllyyy fucking shit some of you guys are stupid. unless we manage to travel in the speed of light somehow all were getting is type 3. a type 3 is a civilaztion that can collect the energy of an entire galaxy. and trust me thats NOT bad at all. were not even type 1 yet. look around you. how long do you think it took for us to come this far. ALOT OF TIME. if we lets say discover some sort of new matter or something that can make us travel faster than light sweet we can surpass type 3 atleast but for us to get to 3 oh boy let me list some of the dangers ahead of us:
    nuclear wars
    stupidity. less and less humans are smart now
    We dont have that much time. let me explain
    so you got the sun growing and growing and the world getting hotter and hotter. and to become type 2 we need to literally destroy mercury or some other planets to make a dyson sphere which will take a shit ton of time.

  4. Yeah ain't nothing standing a chance against planet sized space ships 💀 these anime characters think they're so tough then they and their planets get smited out of existence

  5. Civilizacion tipo 8 bundles manipulación perfecta de la materia espacio y tiempo y de todas las leyes de la física controlan todas las líneas de tiempo de un múltiverso infinito con posibilidades infinitas cada universo cada comulo de múltiversos cada línea dek tiempo cada Realidad es controlada por la humanidad inmortales como física y mentalmente asta los niños viajan por agujeros negros como si de aprender andar en bicicleta se tratara poder y aparecer y desparecer cualquier elemento y tecnología de la infinita existencia omni potencia omni ciencia y omni presencia los humanos ya ni siquiera tendrían cuerpo físico porque ellos lo son todo ala ves las armas ya no existen por qué con solo pensarlo podemos Aser lo qué queramos básicamente eso es la humanidad full potencial por eso se asé a todos los versos fácilmente en pocas palabras cualquiera asta azathot simplemente cualquier humano piensa qué desparece y así sera


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