Huge Update on Twitch Drama | Hasanabi Reacts to Ludwig (Mogul Mail)

Hasan reacts to friend of the show, Ludwig, dropping a Mogul Mail discussing OTK’s fall from grace, including Mizkif’s updates, and jschlatt leaving.

Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it’s just me making everything)

Editor’s Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan’s streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan’s point of view.

If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you 🙂

Discussion Video:

Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.

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#hasanabi #Ludwig #MogulMail #OTK #HasanReactions #reacts

About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends such as Ludwig, 100Thieves, Sykkuno, Pokimane, Valkyrae, xQc, and many others. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can’t Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Danny Gonzalez, Channel 5, OfflineTV, trending twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos. He also co-hosts two podcasts, Leftovers, with Ethan Klein of H3H3 fame, and Fear &, with Will Neff. He allegedly sometimes plays games like GTA 5, Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and whatever excites him on the PS5, Switch, or the PC side of gaming.


35 thoughts on “Huge Update on Twitch Drama | Hasanabi Reacts to Ludwig (Mogul Mail)”

  1. It's just weird to me how miz's nonchalant attitude about the allegations is seen as much more terrible a thing than another person actually making a victim downplay their assault. Especially if they said they would have done it without anyone asking I mean it shows their character.

  2. The biggest L take from this dude. Forgiving Maya? Heeell no tf? Everyone can say sorry after they've been caught, she would never have apologized if she wasn't. Gtfo.

  3. I feel like people fail to understand what it means to sort of rehabilitate yourself and apologize. some chatters just seem to have the jail forever mentality when someone does what they can to apologize for their unquestionably shitty actions it's one of those "nothing will ever be enough" situations even if someone reflects at the very least, or as we may or may not see in the future, improve. It's just like bad person did a bad thing I will now never forgive them.

  4. If you hold the stance that Maya and Miz are innocent then you probably know that Maya was just collateral damage lol which is kinda fucked if you think about it

  5. Hasan is definitely pretty rude to people irl, he wouldn't even look at that girl when she was talking to him lol I don't know why he gets so mad when people point it out.

  6. The thing about this is knowledge liek Maya didnt know how severe it was if she did she wouldnt have done what she did,…. if maya came up to you and said hassan groped me hes a bad person would you beleive her? it depends…. if youre closer to maya youre going to beleive her but, if you just met maya and have known hassan 1/2 your life obviously your not gonna believe hassan would ever do something like that

  7. I do want to say, I heavily disagree with Ludwig's assessment of "Miz didn't know it was SA at the time." But the thing is… he did. Even if anyone did not call it that, he knew his friend touched someone while unconscious and without their consent. It doesn't matter that Adrianna only discovered it was SA years later. It took a while for me and many other people to put the label on what happened to us. But even without the label, it is still textbook wrong what the assaulter did. Miz knew and did not care. He spoke about it nonchalantly. It still does not appear like he cares. I get they're all friends, but Miz did and does horrible things that should not be defended or downplayed by his friends/colleagues.

  8. Maya is completely innocent. She was trying to help and it ended up wrong. Miz was correct to downplay it. The whole situation turned out to be like aziz ansari lol. A creep getting blasted. Atleast thats my understanding of the investigation results.

  9. I feel like there’s still definitely a grape and SA culture in these twitch groups it’s disgusting that this whole ordeal is still being treated as drama. Like the fact these people still have the nerve to show their faces on streams is infuriating

  10. Like someone was r*ped and there was a coverup??!! The fact it was never a criminal case is literally disturbing and unnerving. Will always hate twitch streamers as a whole for this these people are not human

  11. Hasan is so blinded when it comes to other big streamers he can build his viewership from, He knows it's pretty much "Sorry I got caught/called out" rather than being genuinely sorry and glosses over it. He so desperately wants to remain part of the big influencer circle regardless of what happens it affects his honesty at times.


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