Huey Helicopters UH-1 – Compilation of genuine Vietnam War color footage

Epic shots of Hueys from every angle, skillfully captured by the war cameramen in Vietnam. Music: Rolling Stones, CCR, Steppenwolf, Jimi Hendrix.


48 thoughts on “Huey Helicopters UH-1 – Compilation of genuine Vietnam War color footage”

  1. I WAS A PJ IN NAM FROM 1969-1975 including pulling VIETNAM REFUGEES OF SIGON AMBASY ROOF. Retired now at 76 years young I’m playing guitar with my Vets and friends.
    PJ DOC MAGOO VIETNAM 1969-1975

  2. I really don't understand why the death and destruction aren't in your videos. That was the war I was in there was no glory. I read comments from guys that made the military their lives not from the men like me who got F cked. Take your metals and glory you know where to put them.

  3. I spent 31.5 months in Vietnam and started with the Huey but went to the little birds and was shot down 2 times but came back only because of the design of the bird and I guess God had a different direction in life for me. Even flew front seat in Cobra but they liked to fly to high for me. Flying around at treetop height ruined it for me. I use to tell them i got a nose bleed above 1000 feet and felt better the lower they would allow us.

  4. My dad was a 101st airborne, big red one from 63 to 68. Many jumps and ground fighting
    Sargent. 3 up 1 down stripes plus many medals.
    Miss him and everyone
    Would like to add he joined navy first as a cb. Then transfer to army. Ait all over again. Then to Minnesota at a Niki site base then transfer to Fort Benning then Panama then back to the conflict war

  5. I flew with Casper 173rd ABN brigade 1971 Door gunner. The army will never produce another group of helicopter pilots like they did for the Vietnam war. Those guys were amazing and determined to do their job no matter what. I salute all of them.

  6. My brother was in the Australian Regular Army serving along side the American infantry in Vietnam. He would always write and tell me how fantastic the American door gunners were, keeping the enemy at bay while he and his men landed or got back on . He was unfortunately shot and killed in Phuoc Thuy Province April 1971 and passed away just as the men put him on the Huey. He told me what a great bunch of American troops he made friends with talking about the U.S and Australia.

  7. I'm not American but I was a teenager here in the UK when the Vietnam war was going on. A lot of us thought we'd be😅 conscripted. I've always dreamed of having a flight in a Huey. It's my favourite aircraft after the Spitfire. Respect to you who served in Vietnam.

  8. I just wanted to give my admiration and respect to all these Huey pilots and door gunners..all the lives that they must have saved,and just the bravery that they displayed often under the most dangerous will never be forgotten,thankyou for your outstanding service from Australia!.

  9. I imagine in the Vietnam War, young pilots, in their early 20s, crossing the dense forest, flying these steel birds, receiving artillery and still landing in clearings to rescue their war brothers in the middle of the fiery hell. Courage, skill and a little luck why not. These soldiers never got the respect they deserved, to all Vietnam veterans: I SALUTE YOU!

  10. this war was one of the most horrifying abominations america ever took part in. i wish our rose tinted glasses could see through the 'war is an adventure' lie.

    im ashamed that my country is proud of what we did to vietnam


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