This Drone Made a Terrifying Discovery After Spotting This in the Middle of a Lake

Disastrous phenomenons, frightening creatures and striking encounters..
We would surely have missed so much if it was not for the drones filming them for us..
Going to the depths or flying at immeasurable heights…they have made countless discoveries and have captured unbelievable things..Hang on while we bring the most shocking captures made by these flying cameras..

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11 thoughts on “This Drone Made a Terrifying Discovery After Spotting This in the Middle of a Lake”

  1. If this WAS an "unknown tribe" hidden in the Amazonian rainforest, why were ALL of them just staring up at the drone. If they are an unknown tribe of people, living in huts and barely clothed, I am guessing they don't have modern technology available to them. It looked like their lifestyle was very primitive. They've probably never even SEEN a drone. So wouldn't they ATTACK this strange, noisy bird if it looked like it was threatening them? They didn't even seem scared of the drone or reacting to it aggressively.

  2. I have a better explanation…it was a bird,the slow shutter rate of the drone camera made it look elongated…no mystery here..also the bear 'chasing' the guy is not genuine,it was done for a viral video,it's not even the same guy in the tree


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