How your Blocked Throat Chakra is Affecting Your S3x Life

I know we joke about people-pleasers…

But it not just affecting you when you *don’t* want to go to the party but go anyway.

It’s also affecting your ability to open, surrender, receive, and be deeply well f*cked.

Because as a woman, my god, do we want to be sent to the heavens after a big work day!

But here’s the thing… your throat and cervix are connected.

When you don’t make sound (in or out of the bedroom), you limit the energy flow, you create tightness in your body, and that can make sex feel painful.

So when you cannot:
…draw boundaries
…say what you want
…express yourself without your pits dripping with sweat

…your sex isn’t as good as it could be.

SO THE GOOD NEWS IS… you’re about to have raging s*x (if you come to my 3-Day Immersion or work with me online if you can’t fly to NYC or Paris).

ps. Need all the Immersion deets? Find them on my website, linked just below:
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