How Will People React to The New World Order?

Patrick Bet-David Podcast Episode 93. This podcast includes Patrick Bet-David, Gerard Michaels, Phil Heath and Adam Sosnick. In this clip, they talk about how the social media empires are becoming global super powers.

Watch the full podcast episode here:

The Bet-David Podcast discusses current events, trending topics, and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances.

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About the host:
Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of a financial services firm and the creator of Valuetainment, the #1 YouTube channel for entrepreneurship with more than 3 million subscribers. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a keynote speaker.

Bet-David is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and personal development, while inspiring people to break free from limiting beliefs to achieve their dreams.

Follow the guests:
Phil Heath:
Adam Sosnick:
Gerard Michaels:

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31 thoughts on “How Will People React to The New World Order?”

  1. The new world order has been publicly announced in Australia by new south wales minister of health, Brad Hazzard.
    He said "this is the new world order, you'd better get used to it"

  2. Everyone is blaming China and it’s the Freemasons 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ 5 Eyes Security Coalition is UK, Australia, Canada, Britain and New Zealand ..who they are run by? FREEMASONS (which are in both major political parties in the countries just mentioned). That’s what New World Order is, they are creating disorder to claim to restore order. They are colonising the planet through biometrics using this virus. Facebook situation reveals social engineering and billionaires that do not have societies best interest in mind.

    Dr Fauci’s involvement in Wuhan is not a Chinese issue when it’s our guy working on “Gain of Function”. Bill Gates buying up 48% of US Farms and his investments with George Soros, this is the way the world is going. Glad we have Manly Man, but beyond that, you need to know world history and who established the country you are HURAHing😳🤦🏾‍♂️ ..if you want options Patrick Bet-David, you need to be listening to “Nomad Capitalist”.

  3. Hey brothers thank God for getting on the air with these topics. This has got to be on here. Keep up the good work! Thanks for all that you do Patrick! We are so very proud of you guys for the podcasts that you put on here.

  4. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thanks for your service, we need to get back to a Constitutional Republic. The elites convince a percentage of Citizens to give them control, that’s not Constitutional. Lions cower to NO ONE 🤙

  5. People are figuring out that Kamala is fake just now? Oh, boy you guys are in for some trouble. I remember her vague statements of how she was going to improve this and that in America. No specifics though, just the usual blah blah blah to get the mindless zombie sheeps hooked and to vote for her. Like she actually cares about any of you. When will people realize that everything in this world revolves around power and self-interest? You are either a useful or a useless tool in this world, and that's it.


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