How to unlock the UAP door

How to unlock the UAP door – Prof Simon
prog 3


30 thoughts on “How to unlock the UAP door”

  1. Most documentaries about rendleshem forest try to say that it was the lighthouse beam that was seen, but, the lighthouse beam could Not be seen as the land facing side of the beam had screening fitted to stop it annoying or interfering with anyone!.

  2. Great content!
    the voiceover is a bit Hollywood blockbuster trailer, which is fine for a couple of tense minutes but can become a source of friction for a long-form documentary audience.

  3. Saved in my 'UFO' folder
    Had a really Really good look at 2 UFO's in my 67 yrs (2nd one was the Bino's my Son saw it on the way home from school..
    Getting a Mint & Dark choc Cornetto out of the fridge for this one Simon!

  4. once again, you are very conveniently leaving out the account of the other officer in the forest who TOUCHED a CRAFT that had glyphs on it!!! that is not laser induced plasma…why are you not talking about that part of the story?

  5. Love your videos, but please get rid of the Art Bell clone voice and dramatic music. This whole UFO thing is decades old and has always come blanketed in overly dramatic music, with fancy graphics and absolutely ZERO truth or answers. This entire 3 part series has literally nothing that hasn't already been said. It offers no truth, answers or even a hint of a future truth. It's just more of the same. Your other videos are entertaining, but I don't expect to learn anything new.

    A bunch of youtubers aren't going to suddenly make the military industrial complex come out and say "aw shucks, well since the internet people demand to know, I guess we'll spill the beans."

    If you think John's legal case is going to result in anything other than "That's classified, tough luck", then there's a bridge for sale in london I'd love to show you. It. Will. Not. Happen.

    Of course John should get his answers, and justice, if what he says happened to him did indeed happen as he says it did. Everyone deserves remedy from wrong doing.

    But lets just say that they decide to come out and say "you know what? Yep, totally shot lasers into plasma. Was testing new weaponry."

    Then what? You won't believe them anyway. It'll just revert back to everyone saying the admission is an attempt to cover up the bigger alien agenda, blah blah blah.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I love how people into this stuff always say the same two things:

    1. There's no way we made that. It MUST be extraterrestrials.

    But ALSO:

    2. Dude, the government has sh!t that's like 70 years ahead of anything we can comprehend! And they've have it since the forties!

    Apparently we're equally incompetent as we are competent. Pick one.

    Maybe, just maybe, John was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time during a physics experiment, he got exposed to electromagnetic radiation, which explains pretty much every aspect of his story.

    But boiled down, without all the shocking music, high video production, optimus prime voice, book deals and attempts at previous, or future movie deals…..this is just a story about a guy standing in some trees, got zapped by a standard weapons test, and got radiation exposure?

    If you need to put bells, whistles, and lipstick on something, it's because there's nothing there. If it's aliens, the truth is enough. So maybe just focus on actual information.

    Otherwise it's just insulting to people of intelligence, and really towards John as well. You're turning what happened to him into a circus show, like so many others have done before.

    Put up, or shut up. Maybe make a disclaimer that you're only an entertainment channel, but not an actual truth or information channel.

    Because you haven't a single piece of both to provide. So with all that music, video production, shock and awe, ooga booga dialogue, alleged dark sinister motive montage, there's literally nothing in there.

    The exact opposite of all this would be an actual news anchor, walking in and out of a flying saucer, shaking hands with an alien (who of course, was busy mutilating a cow without leaving any blood, as they do) and then having the alien show how the craft works, where the alien and craft are from, and how they got here.

    Occam's Razor….

    John got zapped.
    Bob Lazar worked on science that was beyond him, but not others.
    Linda Moulton Howe, Steven Greer, Tom Delonge, pick you poison, are all in a long line of self appointed messiahs, all of whom have not ONE factual document or shred of proof, which is the exact opposite of evidence.

    And maybe the concept of little green men going beep boop across space and time in a little metal ship is just the by-product of a much less technologically savvy society who, back in the forties, thought was required to traverse space, but today we now know that the warping of space time is a thing, which makes the 40's concept of passing through space in a ship an EXTREMELY inefficient and absolutely ridiculous way to traverse vast distances…. that maybe this WHOLE time, it was never true, was just natural phenomenon, arms testing, and absolutely the military industrial complex doing sone not so good stuff.

    "But no aliens, no magic airplanes to fly you away to a far away land….. which is really what this is all about anyway, isn't it? You don't like your life the way it is, so you look for something tangible that can help you make sense of your sub par existence. Aliens just HAVE to be real! Because if they're not, then all i have is….this microwave kraft dinner cup, another episode of (insert mindless entertainment program), and my cat." said the voice in my head, lol.

    No one. Not a single person. Has a document, picture, video, material, alien penis for crying out loud, to show and prove 100%, unequivocally, that any of this crap is real.

    Now why is that? Is it because for decades, secret shadow people were always right there, right on time, to come in and confiscate, intimidate, obfuscate and alleviate EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE. OF. EVIDENCE?

    Every single time without fail!?

    Hair, fluid, tissue?
    Picture, video, film?

    All of it? Every time!?

    What about all the centuries before? Who took all the evidence back then? Was there some ancient CIA or MI6 that kept the peasants in the dark?

    Maybe this is all just a bunch of lonely, scared, lower IQ people, looking for meaning, and as always, there are plenty of people preying on suckers by giving them what they want, without actually giving them anything at all, but with enough spectacle, overly dramatic music, and video production, and a transformers voice saying cliché sinister things, you will ALWAYS find an audience willing to part with their money.

    All the while the government, or anyone involved in said military testing and contracts just laugh, shaking their heads, and continue to make money hand over fist.

    Why don't you all just admit it. You're just doing this for fun. Call it what it is. Because there is ZERO proof and truth here, albeit, anywhere regarding the notion that aliens are here, were here, have spaceships, probe anuses, et al.

    This has gotten so old that its pathetic beyond reason. The world will be a better place when the amount of effort put into this crap is transferred to solving fiat currency and psychopathy.


    But my hope is that he learns quickly how the vultures in this messed up world of UFO believers circle around the next carcass, waiting for their cut of the current meat.

    Stick to the facts, avoid speculation, get actual proof, or you'll just be in the dust bin like everything before it. Perhaps elaborate on the anti-gravity patent you've alluded to in a previous video. That's something you can go look at yourself as confirmation, but even then, it doesn't mean it's been built and is flying. So more digging there maybe. The rest is speculation, conjecture, hearsay and opinion.

    If it can't be allowed in a court of law, why is it here? Because it's hearsay and because it's fun to imagine and wonder, but it's just not real.

    Disagree? Prove otherwise. 100 years of people trying, and yet, nope, not a thing. That crafty government (who can't even manage an economy or healthcare system), is SUPER great at hiding the aliens!

    Our public sector physics is almost incomprehensible (re: quantum computing, A.I. and neural networks, brain computer interfaces, and yes plasma physics)…. so of course, behind the scenes, well funded through hedge fund ftont company endeavours that pay WAAAAY more than a public job posting might pay is going to provide even better physics. Shocker. But not aliens. We really need to put this to bed and move on. We're just getting goofy and sounding like children.

  6. People are always saying its government tests or military and man made until one has witnessed things with their own eyes they will never know the truth.
    These panelists I wonder if any of them go out and actually look up at the sky at night regularly.

  7. @58:10. Yeah that's the point, disinformation, they WANT you to believe it's super secret high tech…end of discussion. You guys did this journey down a fake rabbit hole of disinformation. Ok at the very least UAPs (ETs) exist and they recovered a few of them and have been reverse engineering them with some success and getting better and better at it. Great series Prof Simon, thank you.

  8. Cannot look at this for very long. Same issue: the flashing sound bar in the middle of the picture. I have a life time of migraine headaches and this flashing sound bar starts my nausea again. Perhaps if it was regulated to the bottom of the picture, and made dimmer, I could tolerate it. Not sorry… that is how I see it. Regards, Dave

  9. The problem with Burrough's, Holt, Penniston is that their claims around Rendlesham have become more & more embellished & added to as the years have passed. They're all UFO convention superstars now & being paid big bucks to make appearances, they got to keep the gravy train running.

  10. Professor, regaring ATS, the authors Rendlesham thread stopped being about trying to find out what happened and has become about discrediting other people's research and mocking witnesses, as mentioned by james, its been taken over by people with agendas.

  11. Excellent!
    I gladly withdraw my scepticism against laser induced plasma — yet still am wondering about the exact link to the non-human aspects…
    Regards, Prof J

  12. Wow I can't believe you did a four part multiple hours of video's I'm loving it glad I became a member I know it's not much but I'd help out more if I could!! Thanks professor cant wait to watch part 2 and 3 keep up the terrific work superb!!

  13. so it was a narrow band rf frequencies he was exposed too..we need to figure out what laser power the us navy has. We know certain cruisers can shoot down satellites with lasers. why has not anyone tried to do the three lasers together to create a possible ball of plasma.. ?? you pump energy in and get plasma out.. what do you pump energy into?? you need a plasma ball before the lasers are turned on??? More research..


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