How To Stop Puppy Jumping on EVERYONE!

Nothing is cuter than a HAPPY PUPPY! Lupo is an adorable black lab puppy who loves to jump up and lick everyone he meets! But what happens when Lupo grows up to be a 60 pound dog and his jumping becomes frustrating or even dangerous? Trainer Tom Davis provides some no-nonsense training methods to curtail this behavior early in hyperactive puppies.

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00:00 – Hello From London
00:35 – The Adorable Culprit/Leashes
01:39 – Jumping Tactics
03:56 – Leash Pressure
07:00 – Final Product
08:28 – A Word From The Owner

As always THANK YOU for watching, Leave a comment to support the channel!

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45 thoughts on “How To Stop Puppy Jumping on EVERYONE!”

  1. We have a 5 month old and for the most part she's sweet and just a joy. But of course, she's learning. Unfortunately I have made her into a treat "junkie", and won't behave for commands unless she knows there's a treat involved. We taught her to ring the bell to go outside and had to put it up because it became the treat bell. When is it appropriate to start correcting her? Can we start using a slip now, or is she too young?

  2. Thank you so extremely much Tom for all of your videos!!! They've helped me and my 1 yo GSD Zelda so greatly much!!!!! I really like and enjoy your training style. I'm from Australia. 🇦🇺 Thank you so much for your explanation on how to do things and why.

  3. Using my knee fixed this problem for me. Simply be quicker than the dog and lift your knee up as high as you can and move into the dog jumping. They will stop trying eventually. Obviously this method might not work great for elderly or out of shape people.

  4. Tom is great! I enjoy watching him. I've been training my pup not to jump on people but I do let her jump up on me but stops with a command. So far it seems to be working great. I like letting her be a puppy with me and jumping is part of it I believe.
    To each his own. Right

  5. dude I have a 9 week old gsd x collie and it's the most unmotivated dog I've ever had he doesn't get motivated for treats toys or praise all he wants todo is sit and lay down he won't do anything? when are you in the UK is love to get a day with you cause I feel like I'm failing him

  6. I watch too many dog trainers and training videos. Tom is probably the best at communicating without seeming egotistical or degrading people. Soo many trainers just don't have the ability to correct but still have some empathy. A true leader setting a great example for others to follow.

  7. My Husky (so it’s extra difficult) jumps up when I’m holding his food bowl or some treats. First thing I do is teach him how to sit on command first and at the same time NEVER give him food unless he sits. I will ignore him if he jumps around and only give when he sits. The “sit” training is very valuable. He still jumps but knows that he’s not getting any food if he does, I think it’s just the excited puppy in him. I’m now training my MOM to never pet him if he jumps on her, because eventually he’ll sit when he realizes he’s not getting any attention.

  8. I’m trying man.. problem is, my pup is the tiniest thing.. so, when she jumps on everyone-which she does- everyone’s like “it’s fine, it’s ok, she’s so cute”… she’s almost 5months old now. And she’ll do it even to strangers if I let them approach. I try & correct her- others will encourage her, I try to explain it’s not the best manners & id rather it not be a habit. If she was a different bread/ bigger – no one would question me, & I doubt they’d think it was so cute or no biggy.. it’s been really hard to figure out how to teach her not to do this when everyone else she sees allows her

  9. What is your opinion of dogs growling at owner? My dog got a deli meat container and we went to take it and he growled. I said no and put him in his crate.

  10. Loved watching that interaction at the end. So much going on in the dog's mind. I had been working w stepping on the leash when people asked to pet her as many are children. Gonna have to work on this approach w adults.


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