How to play NIKKI SIXX’s ”backing tracks” parts (With a unplugged bass) #backingtracks

Nikki Sixx ”backing tracks”: Never thought the first video of me playing on the channel would be about bass… But here it is. Its up to you to belive what you want. But, if you ask me I just don’t think the ”proof” of Nikki Sixx using backing tracks is good enough…

And this is not proof that he he is a super great bass player either 😉

In some other videos there is also some mistakes, why keep that!? He played totaly wrong note in Wild Side (chorus) recently for example. And some parts is not tight and/or different from the albums. Etc.

I also noticed that its not always 100 % synced when you upload to shorts. (That can be another reason why it looks even more wierd when he play)

#backingtracks #nikkisixx #mötleycrüe


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