Plea deal in death of cyclist in San Francisco sparks outrage

The driver who fatally struck a champion cyclist in the Presidio last year will only be charged with misdemeanors. Kelsi Thorud reports. (4-12-24)


21 thoughts on “Plea deal in death of cyclist in San Francisco sparks outrage”

  1. Outrageous. There has to be consequences for your actions, especially when people are killed. We care so much about pedestrian safety these days, but nothing is being done to make bike lanes safe. I'm constantly watching cars weave into the bike lane when I biking. double parking in the bike lane everywhere, 20 plus cars in a 1 hour bike ride easily. The city wants us out of our cars, but how can we when bike lanes are so dangerous?

  2. This happens time and time and time again. It has happened several times in the past: a person drives drunk, kills someone, gets very minimal sentencing, gets out in a couple years and gets support benefits to boot.

  3. In an interview with VICE, former Vice-President Joe Biden had this to say about illegal immigrants arrested for drunk driving: “You only arrest for the purpose of dealing with a felony that's committed, and I don't consider drunk driving as a felony.”……. Think these same people were outraged over Biden's statement that he doesnt consider DUI* a felony? This interview was recorded so you can see him saying it. You voted for this.

  4. Don't know why so many do not recognize that the Leftist run governments have no compassion for we the people. They consider all criminals , regardless of how heinous the crime, as just poor souls who are down on their luck. So criminals are not properly charged. No mater how dangerous they may be to society, they are just let loose. . .to commit more crime. . .and fail to show up in court. Republicans may not have all the answers, but Democrats are responsible for the majority of all of our current problems.

  5. Oh my goodness.

    Bicyclists get on my nerves (sometimes some of them are so arrogant as they decide which traffic laws they obey as we get to go 10 miles an hour) but?

    He was drunk!!!!

    This is an injustice!!!

    He should be rightfully charged regardless of his age.


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