How To Fix: Fallout 76

Song credit:
I don’t want to set the world on fire
Fix you – Coldplay
War never changes intro fallout music
COPILPOT – Take me home, country roads

Fallout 76 was kind of what made us all scared about when hype overshadows a AAA game release. But could we fix it? Could we save the proverbial black sheep of the Fallout franchise? Let’s find out.


2 thoughts on “How To Fix: Fallout 76”

  1. Fallout 76 is my go to game that I play daily for several hours, being a huge Fallout fan myself, I must say even tho I keep playing Fallout 76, I alway wonder what could have been.

    Something Fallout 76 does is that it wants you to play it like an MMO, with Daily Quests, Reputation Grind, Daily One-Time Events, but on the other hand, gives you absolutely no reason to.
    Once you finish the story and its side quests, you have to simply play for your own enjoyment, build CAMPS, play with friends, do the same Event 15 times over just for the sake of it.

    I'm at a point with my character that nothing is or ever will be a threat, even in future content, and what always gives me a sour taste when playing 76 is when I walk into a building, the NPC's don't feel dynamic, they don't feel like they have depht. All of them feel like static voice boxes that repeat the same text everyday.

    You barely ever have unique interactions, and when you find a cool building/bunker/shelter or whatever, it is always empty and you will always find the same 10-ish items like random ammo, junk or stimpak because unique items or legendary items are bound to quests or events, unlike older fallout games where you could find specific unique loot in tresure rooms and so forth.

    So what I end up doing is just teleporting from Event to event and then AFK in my base so people can use my Vendor to buy things.

    But on the other hand, I also can't stop playing. I can't stop because I always fantasize about the "what if" scenario. Mh.

    Good video by the way, it was very pleasant to listen to.

  2. Your idea wouldn't quite work as easily with Fallout… 1st- Primary storyline of most fallout series, the PC is a vault dweller (i know, New Vegas Deviated from this)….. 2nd- It works in ESO because of race and class structures, which Fallout doesn't have… 3rd- For 76 in particular, this wouldn't work because they screwed up the faction system. The original idea of the "Reputation" system was thrown out the window because players complained that they wanted to be able to unlock everything on one character (which in my opinion is dumb as fuck).

    Not saying your ideas aren't interesting, but sadly I cannot see a way in which it could be implemented into Fallout 76 without revamping the whole game.


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