Predator vs French trappers epic fight scene | Prey (2022)

#prey #predator5 #predator


48 thoughts on “Predator vs French trappers epic fight scene | Prey (2022)”

  1. I must have watch this movie 3 times or 4 times on Hulu. Loved the new addition of the Feral Predator. Crazy thing is this dude that played the Feral is very tall, ex basketball player. So it was actually cool to see a very lean Predator this time. Most Yautja we seen so far are pretty husky and brawn. So this Feral was a great addition to see.

  2. While this movie portrays how Predators hunt by the food chain, this scene PERFECTLY shows how Predators using any opportunities to their advantage, even when their prey SEEMINGLY had the advantage

  3. Насколько мне известно, Предатор мастерски маскируется и не ходит, как терминатор и в открытую, темболее попадая в ловушки. Он расставляет ловушки. Это больше худший супер герой, а не Хищник. Обман зрителя. Нарушение больше.

  4. They must've came here talking about the Doctrine of Discovery.
    🤣🤣🖕🤣 ⛬ 💨💥

    Predator: They tried to trap me & successors in Prey, Predator, Predator 2… 👐 Antislavery…. now where's Columbus.

    🤔 Explains why Priests don't carry weapons. Yet do everything inverted to the Bible. A righteous act… Divino Furioso. Then get left hanging upside down. Clerics can carry all the weapons they want.

    📖 🤔 Rev 22:13-21 ✝ 🐺 🐑 ⚖ 777

    🐍 That old serpent the devil 666. Ravana, Raksasha. Codex Gigas.

    Dun na na na na na na 🎶

    Jesus: Okay all my little Yaujta…. No Slavery…. so if we go here 🌎🗺 I was stabbed by a Roman spear & the order came from a Roman conquerer who loves Slavery and Pedophilia. The end.

    🌎 ⛬ 🛥 🛳 Christian Yaujta. Not Catholic.

    You ever seen how many Semetic :Arab/ Jewish words look like Yaujta?!
    Next generation… 🌎 🛳 Aww Yeah girl working for Jesus.

    🤔 He's more like a T REX compared to the Jungle version. So who's gonna hop on his shoulders…. musket under the mask maybe… blunderbuss. Nit one cannon went off. Welcome to the War Baby Yeah.

    🤔 Keyes' guys are walking around with Triangles on their shirts with Garber. Mean while Flipping through the VLS Spectrum….

    Divine Mandate: If you're Raksasha or human and you kill a human child… You Die.
    Ezekiel 10:4

    Daniel 2:31

    Habakkuk 3:4

    1 Corinthians 15:41

    So Rome is on 🔥 again. 🤔 I mean they are secular and invert everything according to the Holy Bible so…. 🤷‍♂️

    Holy Bible: Antislavery, Antipedophilia, Anticonsumption of Human Flesh and Blood…. Pro Commandments.

  5. That bear trap kill to the face had to be one of the most brutal kills I’ve ever seen in any movie ever. Only time I’ve ever seen that is in a punisher comic where he does the same thing except he’s swung a bear trap on a chain while riding on a motorcycle.

  6. If "Predators" exist, they are the biggest cheaters in history. That's as bad as using an aim bot.
    By that standard, an elemantary school shooter would be seen as great warrior.

  7. What I've always liked about the Yautja is that they dont do crazy kung foo or spins and flips. They're just better and stronger than everyone.
    Like right here this one doesn't use his cloaking device.
    Hes in combat mode not hunter mode

  8. One idea I like is why the Feral Predator, as it is called, has far more primitive weapons, at least for Predators it would be primitive, then its more advanded cousins, is because it is sent to sort of test newly discovered worlds. The Predators want to know if there is potential for challenging hunts on this world, but their scouts would report a fairly primitive world. The Predators, and their code of honor, know that any advanced Predator they send would utterly decimate any prey they find.

    So they send in the Feral Predators, sporting far less advanced equipment and armor. They are giving those on the world some small sporting chance to give a good fight and see if there is good potential. Because if the Feral Predator had a plasma caster all those they hunt would be dead. The bear it fought earlier would have been melted for example. Not very sporting to Predators, at least ones that follow their honor code. Super Predators, from the 2010 Predators film, for example would just hunt with their advanced technology as they don't care about honor, save in a few rare instances, just about killing and collecting trophies.

    In short the Predators sort of send a handicapped Feral Predator, handicapped as they use more primitive weapons, to test potential new prey. After this hunt the Predators realized that despite being extremely primitive, humans have the potential to be great challenges. And it is very likely that as time went by, and humanity grew more advanced, Predators with increasingly more advanced tech would appear.

    The earliest advanced predator encounter we know of is actually the leader of the Predator group in Predator 2. The leader gives the main character an old flintlock pistol as a reward for proving himself to he a great foe and letting him live.

    We learn how this Predator got that flintlock pistol in a comic prequel, where he found who he believed to be worthy prey. A pirate captain who was observed to be a very skilled warrior, and a man of honor as he would not steal money sent to orphans. His crew wanted it and a mutiny happened, and to ensure his prey wasn't stolen the Predator appeared and helped the captain fight off his crew, the Predator actually drawing out a sword, and then, when all the crew seemed dead, challenged the captain. The captain understood and prepared to fight only to be mortally shot in the back by a wounded but still living mutinous crew member, who was then quickly melted with plasma. The Captain, with his dying breath, held out the very same Flintlock we see in Predator 2, told him to take it, then died.

    So yeah large lore dump there, but the predator timeline, at least the mainline canon timeline in this case, is really interesting.

  9. Among the Arsenal this one Predator’s packing he isn’t pulling his punches. The net, I mean some of the victims are strapped to a wall or the grown and can’t move. But in this movie one guy was reduce to nothing. One French hunter ready to fight with a knife the Predator just bust the bear trap off his arm and throws it at the said hunter in the head. And three of them fired their musket rifles and pulls our a shield, the hunters were shocked and confused he could do something like that, but this also made them reload, and the Predator let them reload.

    And as he walks slowly cutting the French hunters left and right even pinning one to a tree as another charges in with a hatchet only for him to be blocked and have his own weapon used against him. And the last guy was decapitated by the Predator’s shield, this guy was creative in more ways than one.


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