How to be a god in Baldur's Gate 2

How to be a god in Baldur’s Gate 2
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In this video, I’m going to teach you how to be a god in Baldur’s Gate 2, the acclaimed role-playing game released in 2000.

Baldur’s Gate 2 is one of the most popular and acclaimed role-playing games of all time, and it’s no wonder – it features some of the best and most fun gameplay ever created. In this video, I’m going to teach you everything you need to know to become a god in this game, including the best exploits and tips and tricks! So whether you’re a longtime fan of Baldur’s Gate or you’ve just picked it up for the first time, this video is a must-watch!


35 thoughts on “How to be a god in Baldur's Gate 2”

  1. This… exemplifies perfectly why new DnD is bad and going in the wrong direction. The desire to be "a god" as a character. Now I know BG is a video game series and not the RPG DnD per se, but the video-game mentality being forced into new DnD RPG is why (IMO) new DnD (the product) is moving in the wrong direction. You all want to be gods in video games, and you're bringing it with you into the RPG DnD.

    In the single-player or MMO video games, you need to be more and more powerful, and the video game is even set up in a way for you to want exactly that, and rewards you for it by addictive dopamine. But to bring that into the RPG DnD is (again IMO) hurting the RPG game and actually making it boring. The initial feeling one may have is WOW, all the new classes, sub-classes and races, new feats, spells, abilities, weapons, armor, and on and on… don't you see the pattern? You need more and more to make you happy, because you want that dopamine high, rather than attaining a sustained, natural appreciation. How convenient for the manufacturers you want to buy more and more!!! Cigarette companies made cigarettes more addictive… what do you think video game companies do?

    You've been made addicts, forever chasing that first high, and you don't even know it.

  2. Back in high school, a friend gave me this game. It came with a whopping 4 discs. There's a bug that will ask you to insert disc 5 during the install if you selected a slave drive. I remember playing for an hour exploring only to come across a dragon and got owned instantly.

  3. 29:30 problem with liches is, you can't cast Breach on them as they're immune to spells up to lvl 5 and there's no higher level similar spell without mods. Thus you can only dispel it with a wizard slayer paladin or just wait 4 rounds until it's down. Liches usually have several of those though, like one of mantles and a protection from magical weapons. I think Mantles are bugged and aren't penetrated by weapons with higher enchantment, and undeads are immune to normal weapons to hit through Protection from Magical Weapons. So a lich that puts PfMW is damn invulnerable to anything except dispel, good thing they don't know about protection from magical school: abjuration and good thing you can just run away and wait it out, or use summoned monsters as a bait.

  4. one thing i remember about this game is that using the multiplayer function you can create a full party of custom characters. so i would make 5 or 6 characters and then trade the NPCs in and out to do their storylines. then the second thing i remember is that we had to fight a dragon at one point and the way i beat it was by loading up my mages with spell triggers containing magic missles. the dragon had some spell resistance but he had to roll against every individual missile and he didn't have enough HP to take 1d4+1 70 or 80 times no matter how much MR he had. the third thing i remember is that my main was a pure fighter that had very high fire resistance from armor and i would send him in to tank and then throw multiple fireballs in after him.

  5. offtopic comment but, if you are going to do IceWind Dale look at the Scythe and see if it has a x4 Crit multiplier. everyone out here seems to sleep on this but as listed in the 3.5 SRD you can abuse that x4 crit as it should multiply your total damage from any critical round. that means you can roll something like a Fighter/Rogue with 1 level of Shadowdancer and it will give you an extremely stupid amount of damage as it x4 all your sneak attack dice and mastery bonuses. then you hide in plain sight and do it again. i tried to look up the info but everyone is all about magic weapons and don't even list it. but i remember doing this. maybe in Icewind Dale 2 where you go in the underdark and its all mindflayers and stuff. i also remember building a really absurd barbarian with over 250 HP that was basically unkillable because everything has to roll d8s. dnd is such a bad game in general but the PC versions were just off the charts.

  6. As advice for newbies, a kensai dual class is pretty bad advice. Honestly, other than lategame thief dual class characters, Kensai is a tough sell over a berserker even for experienced players, whether dual classed at level 9 or 13. As 9 is most likely, you only get 1 more hit and damage than when raging, minus all the immunities, ability to wear armour or gauntlets (which when combined with rage, exceed Kensai bonuses). UAI and Kai strike with backstab make this a much more attractive option for a thief, and switching at 13 is also much more palatable given how much more quickly they level than mages. And in TOB, pure Kensai get very large hit and damage bonuses. But for the large majority of a playthrough, a berserker is the superior choice.

  7. I'm replaying BG2 after decades. Am almost done Chapter 5. Only Liches give me problems currently as I only have a couple +4 weapons and don't have quite enough spellpower with level 6+ spells to take them down fast. Been a lot of saving but all good. My #1 recommendation is to follow a good guide. There's no way you are getting optimum XP and loots if you don't solve the puzzles and riddles or answer questions correctly.

  8. DD is a bad kit. Con bonuses you dont need (you gain no benefit beyond 16 other than negligible regen which takes until level 15 and requires skipping elf), AC bonuses which dont help (you are a sorc and your AC is still going to suck), fire immunity by 16th level, duplicating the functionality of a 3rd level spell, a once per day ability that hits about as hard as level 10 fireball at… level 18 and whilst it does bypass MR, it doesnt bypass the rather common fire resist.

    And for this, you are trading 1 spell cast per day. You could be casting an actual dragon's breath 10th level spell at 18th level, also bypassing MR, and doing around 3 times the damage. As a DD, you will be able to cast this, and every other spell level, once less per day.

    Making you significantly worse at what you are good at (spellcasting) to be better at something you will still be useless at (tanking) is never a good trade. A mage's defences are his spells, not AC and hit points. An extra cast of protection from energy, protection from magic weapons, stoneskin or mirror image will help a lot more than innate fire resist and extra AC.

    For this kit to be passable, the dragon breath should be infinitely spammable. Yes, this would be abusable against any non fire immune with improved alacrity, but honestly, its casts of improved alacrity, not low level spell slots for dealing damage which are the limiting factor here anyway.

  9. btw , you can have baby in this game , also, at first, jaheira was kinda meh to me but latter, when you go thru her story you find out she is very intresting.
    On class , paladin main or thief were mine first picks

  10. Great analysis. Definitely one of the best RPGs ever made. I'm just surprised that you made no mention of being a solo Fighter-Mage-Thief and maxing out pickpocket skill with thief potions so you can keep stealing from the fence in the SE corner and selling his own stuff back to him until you have 50k+ gold and you can buy out the stores with some of the best gear, then hit the Slums for the first time with enough gold to skip all over chapter 2. Metagamey, I know, but it's a great way to power through the game.

  11. If I may, there's an even simpler solution to become a god. Assuming you haven't modded the game and aren't playing on Legacy of Bhaal, go to Throne of Bhaal and make a new character, specifically a Monk. Export and import back into Shadows of Amn and congrats, you will effectively never die. Enjoy obscenely high THACO, AC, immunity to normal weapons (just need 1 level, and most enemies won't be able to hit you anyway) and sweet, sweet magic resistance that allows you stand in the face of a lich and punch away with no threat to your life. Couple that with the belt from Trademeet that gives you more magic resist, and you are a one man army who can even tackle dragons by yourself. Pit of Beholders? No problem. Illithids? They might get a couple of hits and maybe kill you but it's rare.

  12. About powerful character combos, I was a fighter-thief, prowling invisible with a speed of wind thru hallways, backstabbed enemies would explode in a mist of blood and then I would hide in shadows again. No casting, no resting, no limitations, invisible backstabbing ninja.

  13. Another secret weapon I would recommend is the Animate Dead spell. Once the caster hits level 15, their summoned undead become giant skeletons that are extremely powerful, tanky as fuck and 100% resistant to magic in addition to having very strong autonomous target pathing AI which means you can stand near a fog of war covered area, summon a bunch of skeletons and allow them to self-navigate themselves into the fog to beat the ever living fuck out of anything in there. Yes, they WILL curbstomp even a pack of beholders.

  14. Another way to make you godmode is just flat out abuse Monk. While an inquisitor pally gets higher resistance early on (and better gear) Monk flat out gets magic immunity by chapter 3 and hits like an absolute wrecking ball. The only issue with monk is its absolutely terrible pre lev 12 or so. Also played through this entire game as a tri-class swiss army knife and I have to say…that was extreme hard mode. Yeah you can do everything, but you really don't have the firepower to fight large groups early on. I managed to beat the game, but it was way more stressful than the setup you have.


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