How Narcissists React When They Find Out You're Smarter Than They Thought |NPD| Narcissist Exposed

How Narcissists React When They Find Out You’re Smarter Than They Thought |NPD| Narcissist Exposed

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re tackling a captivating topic: what happens when narcissists realize you’re smarter than they thought. This is a big one, and believe me, you won’t want to miss their reaction. If you’re ready to delve into the intriguing world of narcissism and its impact on our interactions, you’re in the right place. Although it’s a complex subject, we’re here to break it down for you. Before we get started, make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more insightful discussions. Let’s dive in.

Narcissists often see themselves as superior, viewing others through a lens that diminishes their intelligence and importance. Why? It’s all about maintaining their power and control. This skewed perception allows narcissists to justify their manipulative behavior. They believe they can deceive and manipulate people without facing consequences. They frequently employ tactics like gaslighting, lying, and manipulation to achieve their goals.

There are various types of narcissists: overt, covert, grandiose, malignant, but they all share a common trait: a desire for control and dominance over others. They’ll push boundaries, test limits, and do whatever it takes to maintain their power. However, recognizing these tactics is your first line of defense. By identifying signs of narcissistic behavior, you can avoid their manipulative games and protect yourself in your relationships.

Stay with us as we explore the world of narcissism and learn how to foster healthier, more fulfilling connections. Don’t forget to like this video and subscribe for more eye-opening discussions. Together, we can navigate the complexities of human behavior and emerge stronger.


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15 thoughts on “How Narcissists React When They Find Out You're Smarter Than They Thought |NPD| Narcissist Exposed”

  1. When I met this guy he showed so much of affection and love and made me to finally fall for him after he understood that I would not leave he started his games which at that time I never understood only now when I hear these videos of narcissistic character I rewind myself to those days and events where I literally became a mad lady trying hard to keep him from leaving me….he used to lie cheat and upon asking he has thousands and thousands of excuses…May Almighty save people from falling prey to such people who only know to ruin others feelings and character

  2. Somewhat agree with how you should respond, especially with family, ex-family, and children raised by them.
    Best thing in my personal opinion, turn grey rock into complete No Contact, find a new person to share your life with. Otherwise they will continually test your boundaries, change their tactics to attempt to keep themselves and their army of ignorant flying monkeys and minions against you.
    Just re-start your life without them, they don't and didn't deserve you when you were in their life in the first place. They have a mental disease. I don't believe anyone has shown curable. It's how they were raised and what they have become. It's them. It's their personality now and it's permanent.
    Once a snake, always a snake. Once they backstab you, they will do it again. Just depends on how much they want to do it or are enticed, bribed or willing to do it. True people who really care about you, love you and support you will Not sell you out, backstab you for any price, nor do they do it for their own selfish vindictive manipulative control.
    These people will come up with any excuse and every excuse to blame shift, role reversal, reactive abuse to take responsibility off of themselves. And always want you to take responsibility for their disgusting actions. Usually with some excuse about how they just do it because they care or love you. It's like their own sick twisted covert intervention to continue to control, manipulate you while they at the same time shift the focus of of themselves.

  3. The creation the first three days God made everything out of nothing the next three He filled creation out of the resources He created , on the 7 th day He entered into His rest ? Clearly states for the wicked there is no rest ? Were my self determination ways wicked ? Yes ! What is the consequence? Death ! I died , I have memories of me , my past life , but I surrendered my life , the Narcissists in my life pointed out like a child I didn't know as much as I thought I did ! Difference is the child knows without the love care support from our parents we are dead ? God is our Father , His word became flesh walked among us and returned to the father , with a parting promise He would send the comforter the holy Spirit ; Wisdom ! Our connection with the Father our head , and if our head is in heaven how could the evil in this world drown us ? I asked my grandson a question one day to o serve his response, he responded with a strange look stating how would I know that Grandpa I am just a little kid , I am in grade three ! Honesty truth humility, I responded back that's a great answer boy , you do well ! My wife after the discard commented I have my memories? She was right , the memories I have that life that person I was is gone the life he lived gone in the past , a obituary, nothing more ! I died it's the Lord's spirit that lives in me , being born is a laborious painful thing , being reborn is more so as you must both die , and be reborn , neither are pleasant experiences ! But joy follows the labor pains , I understand now part of the process on the journey home as we are not betrothed to this world , it is passing away ! I witnessed something yesterday , that pointed out what I was struggling with not wanting to accept the reality it's to late for this world ! And I realized little wander truth terrifies them , as they love the world and the evil in it ! So to be out there among the terrified desiring everything but understanding , grasping for control and power, perceiving evil as good , and good as evil strengthened only by abusing the authority and position they are in , most recently a acquaintance that desires to assume the position as girlfriend? Not for love but for the benifits it would provide her , as she continues to shop for yet ever greener pastures? A fire inspector on a power trip inventing , interpreting guidelines as though they were law , and I could add many more ,lost souls reliant on self determination fearful.i secure terrified bewildered , godless faithless without understanding or hope ! Believing frivolity is everything We need time space and place , grateful God provides it ! Physically, intellectually , emotionally , spiritually And my grandson was a great example as I turned to the Father with that same look face and need in my heart , and say Lord show me the way Jesus send the comforter as you promised I know you keep them ! Because at this point I am a little child , I have no way to understand all this or even survive without you ! And I remember the surprise on my grandson's face and the happy comfort and smile on his face as he said oh Thanks Grandpa , and securely went back to his game ! It was strange to him being asked about or expected to know things he had no way of understanding Wisdom seeks not its own it just is , and always will be !

  4. This video did not address the subject of the video… instead it addressed how to recognise signs of Narcissism and their traits… yet the subject of the video states: What a Narcissist will do when they find out you’re smarter than them… none of which relates to the subject of the video was addressed


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