How big can it get?


26 thoughts on “How big can it get?”

  1. I sometimes wonder if Areonautica was made as a test to see if there was an appetite for small xenos vehicles and they settled on 30k for LI because the space marine and guard flyers sold but the xenos didnt.

  2. My brothers and I came back to the hobby after playing vermintide 2. We wanted to get into fantasy as we only owned a unit or two as kids. When we realised it was gone, we looked at AOS but didn't quite get it, so defaulted to 40k – the other game we had as kids.

    AOS models have tempted me at times, but I still haven't got there. However I ordered the old world rule book last weekend without batting an eyelid. Nostalgia definitely plays its part, but also the fluffy detail and customisation TOW seems to offer is a refreshing contrast to keeping up with the changes of 40k.

    In truth I just want to drink beer and get too invested in charging made up heroes into big epic battles with spears and horses. I honestly don't care if I lose every game. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. More Legion Imperialis, more Legion Imperialis, more Legion Imperialis … .pleeeeeease. It has taken over from 40k and AOS as my new favourite game and as an old time Epic Space Marine player, the have nailed the rules.

  4. The only reason AoS was successful is because they got rid of Warhammer Fantasy. I think AoS will take a back seat to Old World now that it's back. Most of my friends went to Kings of War or 40K once Fantasy went away.

  5. I have some of the exact same reasons for not getting some of the new games. AoS just was lore defunct for me, have played WFB it just seemed hollow and pointless. I was excited about the new Epic scale game until I found it was set in 30k, my old army was Orks and I want to play in the 40k universe, so I'm skipping that. I have all my large WFB armies so you'd think ToW would be for me, but frankly killing off WFB killed my enthusiasm for that type of game, I think I'll just use this as a chance to sell off my old armies instead. Still, I'm looking forward to more 40k which I'm loving and fondly remember when figures went up to 60p per pack was when I originally quit as I felt it was too expensive and swore never to come back! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. The game's dead on arrival, mate. Every single mistake that killed WFB GW have repeated. The rules are even more unwieldy. The models are still unaffordable. The game isn't being supported other than "campaign books" and old models. Designed to fail. The game looks like it was done in 3 months and they published the first draft.

    No new players are coming. And remember, 80% of GW customers never play the game they are attracted to the MINIATURES. No one wants skeletons made in 1998. Old World is going to get barely any plastic miniatures and will attract no one new, and that means GW wonโ€™t pump out the plastic kits we always wanted: the plastic kits that GENERATE REVENUE.


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