'Huge opportunity' for a new way forward for the Queensland Labor Party

GXO Strategies Director Cameron Milner says there’s a “huge opportunity” for a new face and way forward for the Queensland Labor Party.

Mr Milner’s remarks come as Steven Miles is all but certain to assume the premiership, with Treasurer Cameron Dick becoming his deputy when Labor MPs meet on Friday after they sealed a factional deal and support from the unions.

“He’s going to be out there, engaging with community, engaging with people who might disagree with the government,” Mr Milner told Sky News Australia.

“The proof will be in the pudding.

“What I think you’re going to see is a new government and a new cabinet with experience on one side, enthusiasm and empathy – they’re the three things you’re going to see out of the new Miles Labor government.”


24 thoughts on “'Huge opportunity' for a new way forward for the Queensland Labor Party”

  1. This is a prime example of on the ground reporting Laura. Direct and spontaneous questioning of figures, to get the public, answers and accountability.
    Very refreshing compared to the sky News room bore. If your boss has half a brain, he'd keep you out on the road (all expenses paid) doing the hard hitting journalism and reporting the community "respect". You are definitely a natural at the outdoors gig. The studio cramps your style for sure. Maybe it's up to you to renew the image of Sky Spews…..back to Sky "News".
    You're a pleasure to watch in your element. Very professional 👍

  2. What is this man going to do for Queensland?
    We know already because everything is about climate change and ending fossil fuels.
    How will the state survive after stopping coal and gas?
    What will we do without tourism and air travel because without fossil fuels they'll cease to exist.
    Surely they won't ban fossil fuels for Queenslanders while continuing selling them internationally.
    We could well be seeing a brand new fraudster of a premier.

  3. They missed opportunity to put that politician called Dick in as Premier Dick . Its a hilarious show to becoming poor . Pray to God it gets better but looking at this bloke its going to get worse.

  4. The LNP. are barking at their heels and why Madam premier jumped ship. Miles, aptly named, 'Miles' away from reality and a clone of his predecessor in a suit, nothing changes. Bitter memories will remain what Albo and his minions have just put us all through, are Qld. Labor tarred with the same brush? yes they are. NO still means NO 'voice' agenda whatsoever, NO treaties or derivatives of and NO sweetheart deals with minority groups unhappy with the referendum outcome. Fix the health, hospital ambulance debacle, youth crime still unpunished regardless of the band aide claim, the "toughest laws in the country" they are not working. Qld has the highest cost of government charges in any mainland state, vehicle registration, licensing, stamp duty, sundry charges etc. and a penalties system where few actually pay. Where has all the money gone? incompetence seems to be the norm. The cost of the Cross River rail link has doubled, the Olympics will benefit real estate investors and arbitragers at the expense of everyone else, they may give some ministers and dignitaries a nice warm feeling but will do nothing for the runaway coast of living we suffer from. Sydney is paying for the 2000 Olympics until 2034, the people of QLD. will carry a larger debt. This is your 'opportunity' to fix all of the above and you MIGHT retain government by the next election, people have turned against Labor especially at federal level and NO still means NO!

  5. You can just see this guy, in 20 years with the big belly overflowing his belt, the whiskey and port reddened nose, the bloated face and fingers – waddling g along, having grown obscenely fat in every possible way, from leeching off the taxpayers teat.

  6. Yeh labor is gone next year the writings on the wall. The coal industry is there cash cow and they are fucking it up. Have a look at Gladstone ports corporation. Was a world class facility when Leo ran the show. The new ceo had to create a 7 man team to do what Leo did. The coal mines or clients as Gpc calls them must be fuming at the massive decrease in export because of utter stupidity..


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