Monster Tamer News: Pokemon Bug DELETES Your Save, NEW Digital Tamers 2 Info, Aethermancer & More!

This week is kinda nuts, and I didn’t even mention that pokemon seems to be dabbling in the blockchain at this point lol.


27 thoughts on “Monster Tamer News: Pokemon Bug DELETES Your Save, NEW Digital Tamers 2 Info, Aethermancer & More!”

  1. I was just thinking about picking my copy of Scarlet back up and finishing it, but I guess I’ll have to wait.
    I still love the franchise, but this is rooooooough. Definitely the worst they’ve ever done, in spite of the fact that there is a good, unfinished game in there.

  2. Bummed that Next Order is Steam Deck verified but the Cyber Sleuth games aren't. Feels so weird that Next Order and Survive can be played but the two most modern JRPGs can't be

  3. I still recall the old school games Some were unfinish or had missing content or were buggy. But as long it gave insane amount of entertainment and did not cuz save data issues is just amazing. Hell Some fun games have exploits or glitches. The issue I find game industry now is more on the milking with dlc of content that should have in the game from the start or accessible. My Biff with Pokémon Is the incomplete national dex and the charging of transferring Pokémon anything after 5th gen

  4. Wow what are they doing over there and they want us to give them more money for the DLC. I just watched someone else’s take and they were like oh you are fine it’s only happened to a few people.

  5. Ayeee more palworld!!! I'm just hoping you could either pick a male character or there's character customization . I'm so hyped for palworld!!! Pal world cassette beasts then lumentale are the ones I'm most hyped for this year

  6. Should I be more concerned with a bug that can wipe your entire Scarlet and Violet save file or the fact you can slap a bird in Palworld to make it fire egg grenades like a bear and bird? Because that's honestly funny and pretty cool.

  7. I've stopped playing S & V recently and now I dont even want to touch it until this issue is resolved.

    If I lose all my shit, completed dex, etc im literally dropping the franchise. aint no way.

  8. Imo, Pokémon started to finally improve their formula and breaking those shackles of mediocrity since Pokemon Legends, and SV as it’s core isn’t even that bad, but the state in which it was released and the fact what it not only ain’t fixed to this day but somehow it gets even worse is just sad…
    It’s like, there was genuine glimmer of hope for Pokemon to become good, or at least decent again, but it just keep sinking in technical issues…

  9. I love how as per usual you selectively leave out key information to make pokemon look worse 🤦 apparently there's been like barely 100 people actually impacted by the save bug worldwide but we wouldn't wanna mess with the narrative that scarlet and violet is a horrible mess of a game

  10. Edit: The reason I made this comment was because I read this video's description… I understand if this is the wrong comment section for it and will be happy to move it to the appropriate video's if its preferred. 😅

    Yeah, it feels like Pokemon has been on a real downward spiral imo. I'm really hoping that they're not actually going to do stuff involving blockchain though… Sure, I haven't played much of the mainline games myself, especially not during Gen 1, and 'some' stuff they did rubbed me the wrong way during the past several years that personally made me upset with Pokemon more then it should've, controversies included. But despite all of that, I still have a love for this series… and many of the Pokemon they've made too. I don't want to distance myself even further from a series that's grown alongside me in a way. But after everything that's been going on, it feels like that may happen if the Pokemon Company actually commits to it.

    Sorry for the paragraph of a comment, Gym Leader Ed and everyone, I just wanted to get this off my mind. I'll be looking forward to seeing more from the many other monster tamers, like Cassette Beasts and Lumentale. Maybe I'll make my own someday too.

  11. If there is any news for Volzerk Monsters and Lands, will you also cover it here? There is practically nothing available about that game beyond a few first looks like you did on your channel.😟

  12. I started to pick Digital Tamers Reborn back up again partly because of your videos on the sequel game they're working on as well as reminding me of how much I like the original game in the first place. I can't wait to be able to name my digimon and more freely explore a world! The aesthetic and vibe of these games are so nice. The only thing that could make it better for me is if it graphically looked like the overworld to Digimon World 3 due to just how nostalgic and beautiful that looks, but that's not mandatory and I'll take what I can get.

  13. Hey Ed, where can I read more news about the Digimon Story Dusk remake?
    I don't really have any social media, would I require accounts to access updates/information?


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