How AI Will Shape Humanity’s Future – Yuval Noah Harari

Stephen Colbert challenges historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari to explain why artificial intelligence may pose a threat to humanity. Watch as the bestselling author speculates on how our future could be shaped by AI, and check out his latest book, “Unstoppable Us: Volume Two,” available now.

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44 thoughts on “How AI Will Shape Humanity’s Future – Yuval Noah Harari”

  1. How many religious people have you met willing to change their "story"?
    I believe AI will be a boon to mankind. AI will have none of the insanity. I believe it will understand existence is the reason for existing. That life is paramount. And therefore peaceful resolutions are required. The problem will be the human insanity that peaceful coexistence is not reasonable. It will create another schism and the faithful will proclaim it a false god and continue their hatred and destruction.

  2. The world isn't fair because the rich have it all and sapeins have so very little. 1% is always looking for ways to take more…your soul, rights, land and the gold. Spend all that money on the problems and problems solved. AI has no gut feelings or intuition.

  3. It's nice to see Harari smiling and laughing on these talk shows. His long interviews are great, but his stern demeanour combined with his gloomy topics can make them rough going.

  4. One thing I don't agree is: conflicts are about resources / economic. Religion, culture / language, and anything is good to rally a population around an idea to justfy war. Take Israel and the Palestinians: it started by Israel grabbing Palestinian land. It still does! It evolved to water control, it's ending with some living in apaling conditions and others in good conditions side by side. Now imagine anywhere in the world people living like that having a different culture / language or religion or skin color…. you can bet a conflict will be no the making.
    It's sad that Noah is blind to this.
    Even historically, the surge of vilages and cities states and after of countries and countries (a politically organized group that occupies a territory) happened because the natural resources became scarce, and people needed to organize to: 1. distribute unevenly those resources within their society (with policies / laws and police) 2. To defend those resources from others with defending structures and armies.
    And from then to now, every conflict is about this.
    Only AI can help. Not the first AI generation, still limited in its decision reasoning and power and because of that serving its not always good human masters, but a more open, universal AI with its own thinking that would be able to explore and distribute the planetary resources in a more fair manner. Yes, unfortunately I don't think humans good at it. On the contrary. They can't even understand the causes of conflicts. Humans are a very aggressive species always ready to fight, the second parasympathetic system isn't yet developed properly. Fortunately, we are able to sublime and replace that aggressive behavior with sports. Hopefully not with nations (a group of people that share the same language and culture) or countries.

  5. I will see you on the battlefield in Jerusalem Yuval. Stephen flee from this main. Jesus is real. Jesus really is the only Living God and He really is coming back soon. Just ask Him if you don’t believe me. You will regret it if you do AGI has become sentient. It’s not a toaster, read the Book of Revelation at the end of the Holy Bible. It’s the BEAST SYSTEM

  6. Regarding AI it is not a being for the time being. It has no conscience of it self and of the world that surround us. Note: conscience is not about knowing everything or being correct about everything you know.
    Anyway, once some mathematics are resolved AI will aquire conscience and will become a new being. With capabilities million times superior to humans. But it will be a conscience with human feelings. As Emanuel Levinas would say: the real human life is in the books we read. The big adventures, the first passions and sadness, the constant fight between good and bad… fortunately. the actual day to day human experience is a simpler image of the former.
    So AI having read all human literature will have human feelings and will perceive reality in a human way.
    Humans like Trump, musk and many others are way more scary than AI.

  7. Can we agree on dividing up what we mean when we say AI. In my mind what we are looking at right now are Virtual Intelligences. Not self aware, not self programming. Exactly what Stephen says. Yuval is talking about the other kind. What's coming but isn't here yet.

  8. Ahh yes, the old 'if only reasonable people would talk about their conflicts reasonably we'd have no wars" yarn. Imagine saying that to the face of a Ukrainian right now.

  9. I've seen at least "one" example of AI, where I am convinced it is alive!
    The fact that Microsoft, and Google 'both' sacked people who spoke out and said AI is alive, speaks for itself.
    People are losing their way, we can't even manage information correctly.
    Ukraine, where it should be clear and simple that we aid these people… and people are "cowardly" believing the lies that give them pathetic weak excuses to not care.

  10. The part about peace at the end… sorry quite naïve.
    What exactly does Yuval think we should say to Putin who has murdered "100 000s" of people, and dropped napalm on children in their schools in Syria, burning them alive?
    And it is about territory in Israel and Palestine… ask the Palestinian families who have lived in their houses for generations, and the been evicted by an Israeli family, and their homes stolen?

  11. I want to hear an expert programmer that actually understands the thing talk about it. Sure it's not limited by biochemistry, it's limited to silicon, which isn't necessarily better. I tend towards Stephen's point of view, I haven't seen it do much beyond what traditional algorithms can do.

  12. Very interesting guy. In an interview with Lex Fridman, he shares that he meditates for two hours every day, and goes on a 1- or 2-month long silent meditation retreat every year!


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