Horrible Attack (Oct 24 2022) Ukrainian forces fire HIMARS destroys Russian Wagner group headquarter

Ukrainian forces fire HIMARS destroys Russian Wagner group headquarter.

Ukrainian HIMARS has struck a headquarters of Russia’s shadowy Wagner paramilitary group of mercenaries in eastern Ukraine. The successful strike destroyed the Wagner PMC HQ. The Wagner group was deployed to Crimea and Ukraine’s Donbas region in 2014.


29 thoughts on “Horrible Attack (Oct 24 2022) Ukrainian forces fire HIMARS destroys Russian Wagner group headquarter”

  1. You feel your video with such useless imagery that have nothing to do with your stories.. it makes you look like you don't actually know what you're talking about. Then the giant gaps between you talking showing more images that are irrelevant to the story…

  2. 100 years from now… little Suzy is sitting in Ms. Ginny's 4th grade
    class….. Ms. Ginny begins the lesson of how a war pig russian who
    attacked his peaceful Ukrainian neighbors… and was defeated….
    Little Suzy interrupts the lesson and asks…"WHATS A RUSSIAN"?


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