Jesus came down to Earth from skies and invited a human to heaven for 7 days to show the God

A grieving father meets the God who can ease his pain. A Christian drama with the star of Avatar.

Movie ā€“ The Shack (2017)

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20 thoughts on “Jesus came down to Earth from skies and invited a human to heaven for 7 days to show the God”

  1. If i hadn't had a miserable life with death n loss of family friends n my mobility i wouldn't care about this film but i got lost in imagination that there is a god etc like as much if i was muslim jew hundu etc its all been said life sux mostly then u die

  2. We have never been closer to a Third World War than we are at this moment.
    I am very concerned……..

    It's time to turn back to our creator for spiritual strength and the courage that life demands.

  3. The god of this movies universe considers a young girl being mad and not talking much to her dad to be the same as a person who kidnaps, tortures and murders a child. So evil runs the show and the people have to "forgive" and accept it or they get damned. šŸ™„

  4. One big problem we Christians have is our inability to realize when we become so religiously self opinionated that we don't see how far away we are from God Almighty. Us this movie perfect, maybe not but did it address some aspects of our existential issues in a world filled with goid and evil and how we react to them? Yes it did. Through sound study, meditation and honestly letting go so the Holy Spirit may teach you, you will be shocked at many truths this story touches on. Jesus did not come for Christains alone, He came for everybody especially the sinners, broken, battered, criminals, the unbelieving… These are His target and its all about love.

  5. I read the book and i saw the movie, i highly recommend reading the book.
    I'm not catholic, i have my own believes and theories, take it for a simple and inspirational fictional story.
    It's a really good story.

  6. So they've even done a transgender God, who is now female?! WTF?!

    Complex and heavy, indeed. I enjoy seeing movies like that who portray God and the afterlife realistically, but this movie shows a serious ignorance of the essentials.

  7. the idea that you cant save everyone so you won't save anyone is BS on the level of Lex Luthor Villainy they won't love me as much as superman so ill be a villain

  8. So, thr moral of the story is that god is weaker than evil and heaven is nothing more than an eternal retirement home. Truly reflects what it is happening on earth now. God is useless and Evil is prevailing.


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