honestly, i don't care that facebook tracks me

Nowadays, privacy online is one of the biggest concerns that we hear about in the media. The idea is that big tech companies are tracking our every move to learn about us and sell us stuff. And while there is definitely an ethical and moral dilemma here, if these companies were more transparent about what they do, personally, I wouldn’t care that Google or Facebook is tracking me. In fact, I kind of like the benefits of tracking. The fact that Amazon knows exactly what to recommend to me or that YouTube knows exactly which videos I want to watch. But, the reality is that the concern about data privacy stretches much deeper than just avoiding targeted advertising. Single entities controlling so much data is obviously a massive security risk that can lead to significant data leaks and even political manipulation. This video explains the truth about data collection concerns and what really matters when it comes to data collection.

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0:00 – Stance
2:24 – The Case For Data Collection
6:28 – The Case Against Data Collection
10:23 – The Reality

Thumbnail Credit:
Cinema Guild


This video is not a solicitation or personal financial advice. All investing involves risk. Please do your own research.


38 thoughts on “honestly, i don't care that facebook tracks me”

  1. I sit somewhere in the middle. I'm not willing to let any company that wants to know everything about me and I have noticed that ads have become a lot less relevant over the past few years because of this, which I am fine with.
    However, there are certain modern conveniences that I don't want to live without. For example, I use GraphineOS on my phone to significantly limit tracking, but I also have a separate profile set up with sandboxed Google play as I want to be able to use Google Maps (far superior to Open Street Maps), banking apps etc. and I'm not willing to accept the security compromise of using MotoG & instead of Google Play Services. In a similar way, on my main computer I use Linux Mint, but I am obviously watching this video on YouTube (not NewPipe et. al.) as I appreciate my subscriptions syncing between devices as well as knowing what videos I've watched and I use Word/Excel online instead of an open source alternative as they are just easier to use.

  2. its not the right to privacy its the right to own your data that we need ( there needs to be a hub to manage your data to see what other companies see idk im brainstorming but something like this) than after you bought your camera stand you delete the info again.

  3. I'm much happier if Google failed to trace me and caused them to show wrong ads. If the ads were wrong and irrelevant, it would be mentally easier for me to ignore cause I don't need them or even know what they were offering.

  4. The questions I think that is getting lost in this video is: are there other ways to have a better experience without the ad based personal information stealing model? It is great that services are free but the loss of data privacy is the cost we aren't always aware of.

  5. I’m glad someone mentioned this. I have always thought of it this way. I used to use an app I won’t even mention, every time I looked for new content, it was drama since I had to browse for eternity just to get what I want. Now, with apps like YouTube, when I open my app, I get exactly what I want. And all that is because of data collection.

  6. if you dip your toes into any linux related comunity you get absolutely bombarded with this shit but when i tried to debate with someone on why is it so bad they could never properly explain it and i always viewed it like whatever if companies collect my data, at least it pays for the free internet experience. i would only care if individual that had it individually for me would get access to this data (jezus christ today i cant write)

  7. Finally some youtuber resonated with me. I have always liked targeted ads. I would really prefer coming across an ad of stuff I really need and not about random itch lotions. That's what differentiates tech era from era of newspaper ads and wall posters. There are downsides for sure, but it's not as evil as media/ tech youtubers make it sound.

  8. I also accept all cookies when entering a website. I don't really visit trash websites anymore though. Another reason i accept cookies is like you mentioned; targeted adds.
    I was searching for wallpapers of mountains for my bedroom and didn't find the one i really wanted. I saw an add on a website i visited from a Polish website with the exact wallpaper of my description. I purchased it and it's on my wall now! I've bought clothes and other things too.
    However, I'd prefer it if the companies of the adds would show up in my results when i searched for the products though.

  9. Yeah i never agree to them tracking me I write down all my passwords in a physical notebook I dont like anyone more or less a company knowing anything about me I don't care if the ad is personally meant for me or not I skip them anyways so what's the point and if i get on Google it for a phone number or a address so i can go to a brick and mortar store i dont shop on any Amazon i use cash my credit card is used for emergencies only if i have to money to pay it off and im happy with my decisions but you do you guy on the YouTube video

  10. I want the government to tax advertising at a prohibitively high rate, discouraging excessive advertising. Advertising is a net-negative game, where the more your competitors advertise, the more you need to advertise to compete. It’s better for everyone if everyone advertises less. The tax rate should increase progressively with the more a company advertises, so a brand new company can advertise more cheaply to bring awareness to their product, but established companies can’t spam us unless they pay huge taxes. I also want a “no junk mail” list for physical mail. I throw out so much junk mail and all that paper, ink and plastic is a ridiculous waste of resources.

  11. But FB used our data to fuck with the Trump election and used that data to influence swing voters etc? the whole Cambridge Analytica scandal resulted in a lot of harm done to the LGBTQ community, abortion rights, everything else. You're right about Google… directly. But indirectly they are likely selling our data to ones that DO do harm with our data. And they probably sell it to China, too, which IS dangerous, especially for CCP dissidents and protestors. These companies do not stop at tracking. People tape their webcams and cameras for a reason–even Zuckerberg tapes his cam. I've seen even tech experts refuse to use TVs with internet bc they think they may be recorded (which can be a concern if they're doing intimacy stuff, y'kno). This stuff is most dangerous in the hands of Russia and China because they DO use this shit to fuck with our elections, other things related to positions in office, track down dissidents and disappear people. As a Chinese diaspora, please listen to me and please don't spread dangerous rhetoric letting people be comfortable with this kinda thing.

    edit: I never thought it was a literal spreadsheet etc. That people have already documented FB letting people influence voters in such a malicious way is far from bad enough. And I'm sure the CCP and Tencent and wrangle even more information out to abuse.
    Framing this kind of "data collection" as having been around for thousands of years is disingenuous. The scale is so completely different and can be manipulated on such a large scale, they cannot be compared to next-door stonemasonry.

  12. I don't care if they're collect my data. But I do care if their product are getting worst.
    After I see many illegal or scam ads and suggestion post that I never wanted to see, I deleted Facebook app from my phone.
    Few years since I didn't use Facebook everyday like an addicted. Just few time a month on web. No longer than 5 minutes per session.
    I feel really good.

  13. Your music selection suck again. The first half of the video had music that sounds like a twirl mess and very distracting. Please help because good and powerful music in your video helps me concentrate on your content.

  14. Without data collection these companies would resort to the subscription based business model. You pay to Google to search for stuff on your behalf, you pay a subscription to chat with your friends like you used to for SMS. Pros would be – Instead of wasting time on junk people would be conscious about which services they use and how much this would help not only with screen addiction but also not take interent and interent based stuff for granted. We value things more subconsciously when we pay for it. Apple is a big example for this.

    There would also be no data brokers and less shady business practices.

    But on the other hand, internet adoption would be slow and internet would not be as big of a global phenomenon as it is now nor there would be Tech Giants.


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