Hochul, Zeldin spar over crime, Trump in debate for New York governor

Sparring over crime, abortion and the deadly U.S. Capitol insurrection took center stage Tuesday as New York Gov. Kathy Hochul faced her Republican challenger, U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin in the campaign’s only televised gubernatorial debate.


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44 thoughts on “Hochul, Zeldin spar over crime, Trump in debate for New York governor”

  1. She has had the jon for over a year, while crime has gone up, what idiot thinks she will change? If she hasn't done it yet, she never will.
    See how he says what he believes while all she does is attack him. Man I hope he wins.

  2. The abortion argument is so simple but no one puts it into simple talk.
    I don't like abortion.
    But it is none of my business, UNLESS you want me to pay for it, then it is my business because I don't want to pay to kill kids.
    And Planned Parenthood is not healthcare, it does one thing and one thing only, it kills babies. You can't get a flu shot there, a breast exam, all you can do there is kill your kid.

  3. Democrat here voting for Zeldin. Crime is crazy in the city. I don’t feel safe anymore and can’t afford to get out. Latino’s for Zeldin. Almost got pushed into the train tracks by a maniac that had been released on cashless bail. Hochul thinks guns is the only method of hurting and killing people.

  4. I appreciate level headed answers backed up by actual examples that are certified facts. Not Zeldin yelling at me using scare tactics and buzz words. If Hochul had done that she would have been critiqued about being to emotional. Zeldin is a huge NO for me.

  5. I am fascinated by numbers that are biggest in history when you look at the Hudson Yards project that hired more then 23,000 jobs in 2018!
    So how do you get away with 15,000 jobs in Buffalo in 2022 as the biggest project in the history of New York?

  6. She keeps talking about guns are the problem NO. Criminals are the problem and if thier intention is to cause someone harm they can do it many ways without a gun. Criminals commit crimes with guns not law abiding citizens wanting to protect themselves and thier families.

  7. yes keep the wicked witch in office keep no bail jail and the inmates they free in 2020 that did nothing for themswelfs or tax payers robing people attacking people what a joke satan would be less eveil

  8. Lol whoever is dumb enough after all this time to fall for these hypocritical two faced Republicans needs to be thrown in mental ward, or taken out back.. such fascist cultist pieces of **

  9. "Its about taking legal guns off the streets " she said it folks. I don't live In the city, I live in the countryside, Kathy hochul has made it so difficult , for farmers , hunters , and people to defend themselves . Has anyone else tried to load a pinned magazine in a fire arm at night its very complicated, almost impossible. Just to defend cattle or livestock from predators. Personally I've seen range accidents and negligent discharges because of all of these gun laws that Kathy has pushed . Treating firearms like WMDs isn't the way to help New Yorkers , we need someone who can educate the state and let the idiots put themselves out of the game

  10. NY Is Officially Screwed Up The Bumhole. Another Stolen Election? Either Way, Anti-Constitutionalism Is Taking Over This Country. Evil Prevails Once Again! Anyone Who Wants To Mandate Poisons For Our Children Should Be In Jail Not Running A State Or Anything For That Matter!!!

  11. More homes less crime. Although there a lot of buildings going up they are in congested areas already……And all the farmers are growing corn for ethanol aka gas not food. Business boomin on the streets under zeldin is stupid, he was keen on helping the “street”, farmers need to start growing native plants and stop racing for gas. Gas is needed for homes not the road.

  12. Hochul had all this time as a current governor, and yet no change. Accept for the worse. She’s demonic and authoritarian sounds like a cluster b type. Trying to dominate everything absolutely intolerable, she’s dreadful He’s absolutely knowledgeable and kind. So she’s switching back, and forth from humble tone to bully. All she’s waiting for; is a big fat pay check for selling out, as New York crumbles. Hmmm. (New York Jesus is with you)🙏😘


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