Hey Horsy People – Random LIVE



49 thoughts on “Hey Horsy People – Random LIVE”

  1. Steve young,he like an essex wide boy lol 😂 wouldn’t let him near MY horse.
    Lester,well that’s a can o’ worms & i don’t know who you were referring to that makes a decision & then runs around getting ‘confirmation’ about it,but that’s what he does with his page,& all the old cronies n bored n lonely divorcées who worship him give him the adulation he craves.They wouldn’t change his mind either way,he already narcissistically made the decision & all the pple arguing in the comments boosts his page/channel.
    & if one watches his videos,he doesn’t so much rescue an animal in need,as tout about for someone giving away what he wants,for content,or to pair with another animal.
    He breeds his rescues 😠
    again,more content 😠
    & if Rita did get tied to his gate by some stranger,i’d eat my hat. Not barely a week after she appeared,another of his horses was standing tied,about to be bathed & he said that Rita had had loads of baths. In what,a week?! 🤷‍♀️ & why? that horse was tied to his gate better groomed & cared for than his own horses have been in 5 years… now if he picked her up beforehand from the nbourhood or a sale barn & she was grungy & rotten,then she might have needed a bath – & how fortunate that he’s picked himself up a lackey who will do any job for him,including care of the horses that he’s been too lazy to do himself the last years 🦥 Just look at poor Buc-ees’ tail 😥
    & yes,i know he’s your ‘friend’ Rick,sorry,but if you watched along,the animals that have died because he was sloppy,animals in poor health because he knows the idiots that watch n worship love seeing them get treats or because he’d rather pocket the money than give them the correct feed etc. 😣
    On the surface he might look like some altruistic guy that rescues animals & gives them homes. But in reality,those are few & far between,they’re not the animals that are ‘in need’ & he’s descended into being ‘a youtube creator’ who cares more about boosting his bottom line 🤑🤑🤑& ‘living his dream’ 🙄🤢
    Y’know until he did piss a few pple off with a cple things n maybe lost a few,he was at nearly 10,000 subscribers just on facebook (he bragged 🙄) that’s nearly $25,000 per month. His overheads on his free land from his Dad,elec & feed & a very rare vet or farrier visit etc weren’t even close to that.He still wouldn’t get a vet out til an animal was desperate.Never once seen a vaccination video of any of the horses or livestock. & lets face it,if wester could make a video showing what great care he gives,he would. 🙄 with all those donations not to mention ad revenue from,between them 3 youtube channels & 2 facebook channels (assuming he hasn’t figured a way to funnel the original non-profit fb page monies into his own pocket too).
    Now i don’t give a sh*t how much he earns,i could not care less. But using the animals & being too lazy 🦥 & self-involved to care for them properly?? 😠
    That’s not even counting the lies & deceptions most pple are too d**b too notice 🙄🤦‍♀️ or breeding 3 of his heifers to their sire because he was too lazy to separate them.🤨😠
    You saw how he said Rita the filly shouldn’t get too much grain or she might colic? nxt thing,she’s ‘colicky’ 🙄🙄 It’s all for views & 🤑🤑🤑
    He said to someone (& yes he was a contractor that there had been disputes with) that “my followers can keep stupidly donating,i don’t care,i’m living my dream” – i cant remember the exact words,that was the gist & even though there’d been issues,i absolutely believe he said that,because that is his bottom line & the animals are only a means to an end now. 🙁 Once upon a time,he did care about the animals,time has long since gone on that,now they’re a commodity for him being a ‘creator’ & thinking he’s some big-shot movie director 🙄🥱 & being able to give up his bus-driving day job that they were kind enough to give him so he could keep his pension after he washed out as a teacher.
    He makes me sick. 🤢🤢 Sorry Rick,i’ve watched him a long time & i might miss some things,it’s hard not to tune out when he drones on bigging himself up 🥱🥱 but i don’t miss much.
    ps sorry any typos i’m outside in the yard & no 👓

  2. My last dog was an AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE.. prob one of the thickest skulls of all the canines . Had her from the moment she was born and seemed from mother . Because of then negative connotations inn the world … not unlike the Horse world , I was determined to train her to oppose those n3gative views . "Heal" was priority number one .. I wanted her to know that command in EVERY situation regardless of food , children playing whatever. I made sure to hammer home that command was never to be deviated . It became the bedrock for all other training . People thought I was a dog trainer because was so well mannered and trained .. especially after seeing her so physical playing. It all came back to HEAL . Playtime was over when I used that command . Nothing else mattered .

  3. I totally agree with you because I do gentle break so I understand what you’re saying sometimes some people need to learn the hard way I guess and eventually they’ll mess a horse up. 😢. I feel I’ve seen a lot of that when I was living in Texas but anyways I do have a question for you I just would like to find out just say yes or no if your last name is green if not all you have to do is say yes or no and then I’ll know who you are the reason why I’m asking is because if it is you trained a horse of mine, that I loved very much, and was a very good rider. She was traded for cutting cows. i’m just kind of curious Rick if you were the one who trained her just an FYI if you’ve ever trained horses before I enjoy your videos, keep up with the good work you take care and be safe❤🤠

  4. My Mentor for horsemanship always stated you have up to 3 seconds to correct a wrong behavior. It also takes 3 seconds for a horse to understand that it is above you in the hierarchy.

    Anyway, I personally would not let that mare walk all over me. The second time she had moved her butt to me, I would have had a rope to slap her rump with. It is that or use my hands to make myself bigger and maybe make a loud unsuspected sound. Another higher horse would have bit/kicked the challenger. Dominate animals tend to be more rough with lower animals than people think. People would be saying that animal is "mean" because it was telling the lower animal "NO" in its language.

    I will never let a horse kick or bite me since that horse can do that to my family and friends. The horse would have learned that it is above everyone else that works with her/him. It is how it is in horse language. I love my animals as much as everyone else does, but I would not let an animal think it is higher than me. It makes the animal think it can push me around which I will not tolerate (especially when I have kids at some point).

  5. 😊hey Rick, love your show and style of training. Lester is a great person, Rita's gonna keep biting him. Lester won't stop her. ❤ still love ya both
    From Memphis Tn old time horse girl

  6. Steve Young doesn't make the horse look dangerous. People send him videos of their horses they need help with. He understands horses like you do. Of course people make their video titles exciting.

  7. Spare the Rod spoil the child.
    The problem with not disciplining a horse when they do a behavior that can serious injure or kill a human you create a dangerous horse that will pay with its life through no fault of its own.
    Sad news.
    I'm extremely protective of my animals yet I have complete trust in Rick and would have considered it a blessing to have him work with any horse. I can not say this about another person especially the people I have worked with.

  8. Amanda is correct. Steve Young uses Drama to show how dangerous a horse is then makes himself look like a superhero.And he rides with pain compliance. Which is why I can't watch him. Rick is far superior… No BS and his methods are clear, consistent, and He does not need to use pain .
    Anyone who thinks tossing a plastic bucket at a horse would hurt them when they are kicking you is a moron. I'm only 5'2" and it wouldn't hurt me. People on YouTube are insane!

  9. i was watching this video of this draft horse being ridden by some Disney princess and led by these other two guys in a parade and something caught on the back of the horse's back legs and it obviously spooked. the horse was spinning around, and this woman came out from nowhere to try and 'save' the horse. she was around the horse's back legs, trying to grab the thing caught on the back legs but failing. all i could really think of was rick commentating on it. aside from the woman, i was kind of impressed on how the other three people handled the horse

  10. @Rick Uriel Lester's helper sometimes…He has been working with Rita…He also saddled Buck-ees and Voodoo up and rode them around they looked so happy they were doing work…They loved it..Buck-ees was a hearding horse I think he was moving other animals back to a certain location…And don't forget Buck-ees only has one eye…But don't let that stop him he did great Rick!!
    Uriel is taking care of the horses..
    Leave Lester alone…Even Rita is doing much better with Lester

  11. I am so sorry, saddened and disappointed in the outcome with Lester about Rita. I will admit I love horses but know nothing about them, but I do know dogs and especially a specific breed that has a very bad rep because of bad owners, so I have spent over 30 years trying to learn as much as I can to be the best owner I can. Many of my beloved breed are abandoned and)or destroyed each year due to the exact same mindset. Killing with kindness is a very real thing. In nature the discipline by a parent of its young is often strong/seems unkind, but it is necessary. The animal is the one that ultimately suffers by not being taught manners and discipline. At best it will never achieve its full potential. At worst a catastrophe will occur and it will lose its life. A dog, or a horse, is not a lawn ornament. So so sad, and disappointed. Keep spreading the word, Rick, even if you are the voice crying in the wilderness.

  12. Fun live show Rick! Yeah, Lester could do a better job training Rita. But Rita has food, shelter, vet care and horsey friends at Lester's place too. People get frustrated but they need to remember that the good isn't the enemy of the better.

  13. I NEVER heard Lester bash you…Ever. He did say he couldn't put his elbow to Rita…or something to that…but never mentioned you. People are just trying to start crap I guess. The vet said six months to a year, and the vets partner said maybe up to 18 months…

  14. Only thing I dnt agree with u is hitting a horse but I agree answering with negative with negative Elbowing in the mouth. I don't believe in that but I do agree with answering with negativity with negativity dependent. In the way that you do, I'm wrong let me know. I have no problems I like how you are, you're straight up.

  15. He’s not bashing you. He just went off on a tangent about elbowing a horse or popping it on the nose. So now people think he’s bashing you. That’s all. He always speaks highly of you. He just disagrees with things he has issues doing. That’s his prerogative. It’s everyone’s

  16. Lester will not let people send him money…people can donate to the sanctuary which does not go to him!!! He is a lot of things but he was making videos long before he got money from you tube and face book lol He is not bashing you he said he can not bring himself to elbow his horse…he cannot bring himself to and his supporters would not stand for it as a sanctuary…He respects you but it is like comparing apples and oranges

  17. Lester's videos with all the drama and yelling are for entertainment which is what he makes his money from on you tube and face book. I do not agree with everything he does and frequently get mad at things BUT There is no doubt that he loves his animals He is not an expert anything he is a hobby farmer not a trainer.

  18. Bri (Lester’s niece) did leave a comment that she would welcome any advice you may have. Her channel is Life on Morrow Hill. She’s mostly on Face Book but also on YouTube.
    Here’s the rundown on Lester’s family by their channel name: Hangin with PawPaw is his dad, Chat with Gigi is his mom, Catchin up with Kim is his sister, The Denman Homestead is his nephew, Shirtless Jake’s Homestead is his nephew, Life with Lyssa is Jake’s fiancé , Outdoors with Daniel Morrow is his brother, Tina and Rob Off the Hill is his sister, Flip Flop Farmer is his son, Ima Survivor is him & Jami, Suits to Boots is Jami, Longhorn Lester’s is him. I don’t think I missed anyone. I know, more info than you want but there it is. 😁

  19. Well, more fool Lester for not wanting your help, the horse would reap the benefits and the rewards.
    I have watched Steve Young, he is good, but a bit boring. i thought you said to watch many different people to learn everything you can. You are still my Favourite though. Maybe do some more training videos for the newbies.

  20. Queen Elizabeth’s Horse Guards have to deal with a lot of noise! Once in a while a horse will freak out but not often! They’re learned to take noise with a grain of salt! Love them!❤️🐎❤️🐎❤️🐎😀

  21. Hi rick 🇦🇺👍, my young friesian mare, started chewing on fence post when tied up. This day she looked frustrated, in her eyes, started pawing the ground. I put her in paddock, fed, her in the taped of corner, so her fat buddy couldn't get her food, then the fat buddy started chewing wooden fence post, then my horse started chewing the fence when she finished her food, then i let her out in paddock with her fat buddy. This chewing happened again, after feeding, each time she chewed, i put my hand , near her face to move her. Any how, im going to try some soap, on those posts near feeding and where I tie her up, maybe you have some ideas for me try, to nip this in the bud, i also, have a mineral, n, salt lick near their water trough. Thanks for all your great videos, do some new ones, i watched them all several times, which is good. Have a great day, your very caring with your horses and animals, and passionate person, you make me laugh, and make my day better. Ill catch you on your next live. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺😊😊❤️❤️😊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😊🇦🇺

  22. I won't watch any part of the videos that show Rita on Lester's videos. His refusal to discipline her is going to make her a dangerous animal for anyone to be around.


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