Herschel Walker Voters Have NO IDEA What They're Talking About

Republican Voters in Georgia attempt to explain their misguided views on the senate race between Trump-backed Herschel Walker and Reverend Raphael Warnock. Richard Ojeda breaks it down on Rebel HQ.

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43 thoughts on “Herschel Walker Voters Have NO IDEA What They're Talking About”

  1. Look at their lives?!?!?!?!?! Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?! Domestic abuse, abandoned children, lying, adultery, impersonating a police officer, impersonating a federal agent, and it goes ON and ON and ON and ON! I just can't wrap my head around how these people justify voting for Walker. Well, denial isn't just a river in Egypt…

  2. These people are so ridiculous! They hear and see what they choose to! Georgia, WTAF is your problem? Please! Anyone who still supports trump, seek professional help, because obviously something is broken. SYDADASTFU!!!

  3. It's not a double standard for Democrats to complain about Herschel Walker and his multiple abortion scandals, they're simply pointing out the hypocrisy of him and his Republican buddies

  4. It’s propaganda, being told something over and over and over. Trump said everything three times in a row during his 2016 election, that’s how he got elected. I could not write this if someone didn’t tell me how to three times in a row,three times in a row, three times in a row.

  5. And these people believe Donald Trump is a Christian. Wow! There is NO HELP FOR THESE PEOPLE.

    It is long overdue time to find these people their own couple of states and cut them loose. Give them Florida, Georgia and Mississippi.
    Build a Wall surrounding all three and leave them alone.

    Relocate all the Trump Cultist there and let them thrive.

  6. Never before has there been a more clear exhibition of "party before country" and MAGA cultism than supporting someone as demonstrably inept, illiterate, mentally ill and criminally violent as Herschel Walker.

  7. Or otherwise Walker will do what the white (R) guys tell him to do! The Republican Party thinks most of Georgians are stupid,……..but they were off by just a little bit! Even though you think your not a racist, there can only be two reasons to vote for the self proven, totally ignorant black football player, over a highly educated black Pastor, 1. you're Stupid, 2. you're a bigot! I am willing to wager that the average I.Q. of a Goergian black voter is higher than that of Goergian white voters!

  8. Stupid people deserve representation just like everyone else & that is why the GOP exists.
    Republicans have been pandering to the ignorant & gullible for decades.
    The vote of the stupidest individual in town counts just the same as that of the village intellectual and the GOP knows that.

  9. These people are so stupid. They believe lies and are as stupid as Walker. Religion has no business in politics, separation of church and state. Trump and Walker are not good men. Warnock is a better man than both of them.

  10. They look at the heart, mind…brain? Herschel Walker has a brain? All these supporters of Walker exhibit "cognitive dissonance" all delusionally dedicated to any republican candidate, Herschel Walker is clearly not suited to be a politician period but they still support him….smh

  11. Geez, it's not a Christian election. It doesn't matter whether someone gets out at rallies and talks about God and wears a cross around one's neck. They are not advertising for a Christian position. Even Herschel's son Christian said his father is a liar and was violent. What kind of pro life person makes babies with different women and doesn't take care of them? To me, that's not pro life.

  12. Dumb bell "union man" doesn't get that republicans are anti-union and always have been? There are a lot of "union men" like him, dumb as a post. How stupid do you have to be? I've been a union man for 20 years and I know better. It's a wonder that this guy remembers how to get to work each day.

  13. The religious issue in politics goes back to and originated with Reagan’s dirty trickster Lee Atwater. He was able to define the politically parties with the help of the Rupert Murdock propaganda machine. Atwater defined the Republican Party as the party of God so by definition all Democrats were atheists. He also defined the Republican Party as the law and order party versus soft on crime, the party of patriots versus traitors, the white party versus nonwhites etc. The Propaganda allowed Atwater to define the parties so the Democrats had no choice what their positions would be.


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