Heavens Shores – Music Composed For Meditation, Sleep & Relaxation

#meditationmusic #relaxingmusic #sleepmusic

Heavens Shores is music composed to remind myself of peaceful and tranquil times on a Caribbean beach, enjoying the sun, sand and sea.

Composed music for good mental health, relaxation, meditation and sleep. This isn’t just sounds and noises, they are composed and designed to assist the listener in developing their own ways of coping with the stresses of daily life.

Find links to this and all my tracks on all streaming services at https://bigdogaudiouk.com/ or search for “Bigdog Audio” on your streaming service of choice.


The soundscapes and music I have created have been designed to work either as standalone 10 minute pieces or can be looped for longer sessions if required by the listener. The aim is for the listener to find a soundscape or a piece of music that works for them, to bring out their own thoughts of happy times or places, and is why I have covered a number of different scenarios for the soundscapes. These soundscapes are created first, as for a lot of people, these natural sounds can be listened to, and the listener then concentrates and starts to remember their own positive experiences in those environments.

To give you an example, for the Energetic Sea Sounds, this was created by me to evoke the memories I had of being on holiday in the late afternoon, sun beaming down on me and me starting to want to go for a swim to cool down, the feeling of sand in my toes, the scent of the ocean. I can listen to that soundscape, concentrate on the sounds and be transported back, feel a sense of calm wash over me as I recall happy thoughts.

The music itself is created in such a way that the instrumentation and arrangement draws the listener in, that within the 10 minute period of the piece, the listener becomes less aware of “time”, and that at the end, it feels like a much longer time has transpired. These pieces work for me and afterwards, I feel far calmer and relaxed, and it is my hope that listeners will use these during the day, or when they feel stressed, anxious or down, and in a short period of time they can start to make themselves feel a little bit better. This sort of thing is not mean to replace Professional Help, it is there to help stop you dropping that far down. By having a vigilance over your own mental health and awareness of when you are not feeling good, then using these, it can be enough of a pick-up to help you get back on an even keel.


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