The Outer Circle is live on holiday and talking about The Old World

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30 thoughts on “The Outer Circle is live on holiday and talking about The Old World”

  1. Are there any certain conclusions on what’ll happen to the Warhammer Armies Project? I assume they’ll only gain in popularity due to the sheer enormity of faction support, but that’s unless there isn’t some interference from GW now that they’ve brought back the system.

    I’d be tempted to make a Chaos Warriors or Empire army inspired by the Mark of Chaos book – maybe even Bretonnia – but I’ve got too much on my hands as-is.

  2. 44:06 = This is one of the 3 Primary Problems w/ WH-TOW: it's a Half 1/2 a Game System w/ Half 1/2 the Factions: it's not complete & it's not good enough.*

    (* & I think GW know this, as The QUEUE System in Japan, AUS, NZ & UK is not in operation this morning, meaning there in minimal Traffic w/ none of the Pre Order WH-TOW items Sold out as of yet.
    (+ The SKELETON TK Sprue says GW Inc. 1993 on it = models are 30+ Years Old, not 20+: Yikes.

    Great Late Stream Mac…….Clear The Area;-)

  3. When GW killed WFB it sort of felt like a lot of people tried to pretend that it was because the setting and the IP wasn't popular. But anybody who actually knows what they're talking about realizes it was because they ran the rules and the meta of the game into the ground, it was an absurdly bloated and fiddly ruleset, it asked you to build units of 40 and 50 soldiers when those soldiers were priced at $5 each, it made all the huge, new, expensive models severely OP so that you felt you couldn't win without them, and it quit being fun. Then Warhammer Total War comes out, and it's just the IP and huge battles for $60, and everyone is apparently shocked that it's a massive hit. And now GW is asking everyone to once again buy into a game that asks you to field giant infantry units, massive, overpriced diorama centerpiece figures, and buy three rulebooks to get started playing your faction. Not one lesson learned. Now my AOS community (a game where you need about 50 to 75 models) is fighting within itself. I remember when WHFB died, I don't want to see it again. Also, you could at least update some old miniatures, but this feels so lazy. At least I still have BattleTech, and if i want to try out this system, I can 3d print models or pull out my old armies.

  4. To be perfectly fair Daemons were simply a part of Chaos armies both in WFB and WH40K up to simultaneous release as a separate faction back in 5th ed. of the latter so it's not really that of a problem to simply reintegrate them for the Old World as such.

  5. More dog videos ha. But seriously, it’s sad that they’re trying to half ass revive a dead game. One thing that players could do is, just buy the models, and get the old fantasy rules to play that. I’d be tempted. The only thing is, I know or am pretty sure 8th edition fantasy books are expensive.

  6. I feel like the idea that GW doesn't want to mix armies between AoS and TOW because they're rubbing their hands together like Snidely Whiplash, cackling about how you'll all have to buy different armies for each game and soon their millions will turn into billions, to be overly simplistic. I don't think GW management has much savvy, but they have more savvy than that. They didn't want people buying a Skaven army, and then having to decide which game they use it in. Because, while you can use them in both, we all know to 99% of the player base, you can't use them in both. They're based differently, they may be armed differently (or ideally, armed differently), it just presents a feels bad moment. Otherwise if it was just about money, they'd tell you to buy the same army twice.

  7. I'll agree that GW keeps bringing up The End Times in order to justify their changes. I would further claim that they are calling all previous material "The End Times" even if that material was written 30 years ago in order to justify ALL changes they make to ALL of the background and history, no matter how radical or stupid. GW rewrote all of WF history before The End Times (in order to make AoS more appealing when it came out), so of course GW will warp the background again for this too.
    What I am (most) concerned about is that GW will recreate a background/history so nonsensical (or radically different from the original material) that it will make it impossible for The Black Library authors to write good books about WF/WTOW. All people who read The End Times novels will tell you that they were rubbish at best (so it is unkind that BL has made them into an omnibus for unknowing people to purchase). I fear that GW will recreate this situation so that even the best authors will be unable to make anything of quality. Reading about the Old World background, and hearing about the first Old World novel, (by Graham McNeil who is a decent author if I remember correctly), it certainly seems that way.

  8. See I honestly expect the old factions will eventually come back simply because GW as a company behave schizophrenically.
    Even them saying “these will not be supported” is really just what they intend at this exact moment as GW constantly whiplashes on what they intend to do.
    However what I fully expect is the most inefficient worst way to do it will be the defacto solution. The book preview already has “Land of Ice and Snow, Ruled By Dragons, and Wolves of The Sea” within the core book taking about factions. So Not Eastern Europe, Not Vikings, and funniest of all Not China who is literally on the other end of the world will jump to the front of the line of off the top of my head seven factions most of which would fit far more assuming the other factions do come back.

  9. In the many games of WHFB i have played in the last 20ish years i have never played one game against wood elves, but my most common opponents where Vampire Counts, Dark Elves and High Elves and it boggles my mind from a lore and gameplay pov that Woodelves would be a major faction but VC's are not.
    That just stinks of GW not wanting to lose AoS money.
    Related, waited in que for 30min yesterday to buy the rule books, the main rulebook was sold out already and that does not bode well.

  10. I do not have super high expectations of fantasy due to GW history, but I am equally happy and disappointed. Happy that my favourite factions are being supported, the high elves and wood elves naturally, but disappointed that there seems to be no further support for kislev. I was still in junior high school when they were released last time and did not have the financial means to buy into more than one faction. I was hoping to go all in on kislev this time around. Anyway after 12mins in the queue yesterday I bought in on some bretonnians to expand my current army just a bit, I never got to complete them after the last debacle that took place.

  11. Warhammer Fantasy Battles failed for three primary reasons (ignore personal preference or easily fixable things like game balance). And keep in mind 80% of GW's customers don't play the game. Why did WFB not attract the number of players – new ones – to keep the game afloat?

    1) The Rules: too complex (but not intelligent) rules, incomprehensible to too many people, with a massive learning curve and little reward. Give or take 100 pages of core rules in the Big Red Book (40k had about 30-40 pages of core).Absolutely absurd.

    2) The Price: the game was too damn expensive to play or collect. Even as a collector, your 20 man unit was ever-increasing in price.

    3) Lack of Support: when contrasted with 40K anyway and the release of new models that grab that 80% attention (something Age of Sigmar has no issue with).

    They've repeated all exact mistakes already. It's dead on arrival. Designed to fail. A pump and dump.


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