Strengths and Weaknesses for EVERY Codex Space Marines Unit – Space Marine Datasheet Tactics!

Let’s talk through every squad, vehicle and character in the core codex space marines, some pros and cons and how they stack up on the table…

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0:00 Intro
0:45 Battle Line Infantry
6:21 Other Power Armoured Infantry Squads
17:33 Jump Infantry
22:14 Phobos Infantry
28:57 Armoured Elites
35:25 Mounted Units
37:27 Artillery
39:30 Dreadnoughts + Walkers
44:41 Tanks
57:38 Storm Speeders
1:03:53 Transports
1:08:53 Fortification
1:09:55 Generic Characters
1:26:46 Epic Heroes
1:41:43 Outro
1:00:27 Flyers


43 thoughts on “Strengths and Weaknesses for EVERY Codex Space Marines Unit – Space Marine Datasheet Tactics!”

    – Cato Sicarius' reactive move is once per TURN, not GAME as I said. Certainly makes him far more interesting, though doesn't change the fact that I've still not seen him used competitively so far this edition… Has has some stiff competition with Ultramarines characters!
    – Gravis Captain is half damage, not -1 as I said. A little better than I mentioned but tanky either way.

  2. How is a Rhino a 7/10? The only thing you'd want to put in it is a 10 man tac squad, which you rated 3/10. And that's before you look at the stat line and special rules. It's easy to kill, has no offense, and the special rule is an "unspecial rule" similar to tac squads… Just some placeholder ability to follow the trend of giving everything a special rule, but without giving it actual effectiveness. Healing a single point a turn is highly unlikely to matter. GW intentionally handicapped both units to deter people from using them.

  3. I had a very odd game of 40K tonight against Space Marines – the match itself was a huge comeback for me as my Chosen squad was… very badly multi-melted. But the Lord splatted 2 the following turn, then the last one and ATV on the next. But the strange bit was the Obliterators. They popped a Predator, Tech Priest and Redemptor Dreadnought, all while somehow skirting the terrain well enough to benefit from Dark Obscuration.

    But by the end of it, there were only two units left. The Obliterators, completely unscathed, and a Firestrike Turret. And this meant that the Obliterators were the fastest thing on the board and could happily keep the turret at bay before popping at it. It did get some rather curious chuckles as to how that could happen.

  4. I love Firestrike servo turrets. the best combo I had for them (I don't know if you can still do it in 10th ed.) was running them with white scars. you could spend 1 CP and use the stratagem Hunters Fusillade. that would let you advance them and make there weapons into assault weapons. In one game I was able to advance and kill my opponent's patriarch.

  5. I wonder if making it so you could take 2 power weapons and heavy weapons in a tactical squad would help them out? 2 heavy flamers with 3 dudes stay back on home objective while 2 power weapons, 2 bolter boys and the sarge go out to do something? I think if anything it would do something for them. Might also be good for driving a rhino up, drop 5 then drop another afterwards? but realistically the rhino will die after moving lol

  6. I miss the days when the aura abilities for Dreadnoughts and Invictus Warsuits weren't limited to infantry. My original concept for a heavy walker death ball used a trio of scouting Warsuits giving each other fire support, and a Li'l Shawty Dread buffing a mass of Redemptors and Ballistae.

  7. As someone recently returning to warhammer after a very long time I really appreciate this. The amount of units now days is overwhelming so this really helps me identify who to focus on first. Thank you

  8. Don't sleep on the multimelta devastators and razorback combo – with Oath, cherub and full wound rerolls they can (and have) repeatedly deleted some truly brick units for me with a surprising threat range 🔥🔥

  9. The Firestrike and Hammerfall would be a lot more thematically consistent with Space Marines if they had deep strike. I wonder if the Hammerfall was going to be a Primaris replacement for the drop-pod before they decided to redo first-born units more directly like the Terminators.

  10. All the different types of niche unfantry are cool and all but sometimes I wish that space marines took a note out of Taus book and just made it one datasheet with a whole shitload of interchangeable wargear options

  11. I think it would be more healthy to not fool ourselves with pageantry of pretending that firstborn marines just simply require points changes. It really is a very recognizable pattern that the very units that GW wants to get rid of in favor of primaris have notoriously been given weak or redundant rules for a long, long time.

    It's been the intent for the past 7 years and a wish acted on more blatantly and aggressively in recent ones. By the time that GW would have an opportunity to re-examine the rules and strengths of these units in game, they'll have already dissuaded and disenfranchised a desire for their use at a point when they'll have the opportunity to remove more from the game anyway.

    You can't points fix your way out of death row. I don't see there being any reasonable evidence that there is any motivation or intent to do even that.

  12. VanVets are surprisingly good in firestorm detachment, but then again, whose gonna build 10 vanvets and give them all hand flamers? Are there even 5 hand flamers in a single box of them?

  13. would rank Heavy Intercessors 7/10 and and Company heroes 5/10
    Heavy Intercessors can do a lot and better with the right leaders.
    Company Heroes only work with the right leaders, so only works if you play the right chapter this puts them a LOT lower then 7/10.

  14. Meh out riders are a lot better then you put them almost costed the same as 5 man inercessors and way better at grabbing objectives in mid field or getting in the enemy back line for secondaries. You look way to much at competitive play for your information when it’s such a small demographic

  15. Sm is such a bizarre army. they have so many options that inevitably some will be taken and be better than others leaving some units effectively redundant like my fav the tactical squad. However the problem is that this will not change as if all units were good and worth taking, they would have so many options that they would make the meta of other armies without so many units to choose from, worthless as they would always have something to counter it. So internal balance will never be solved. Brilliant video though. What a lot of work must go into this. There is a very grateful YouTube community.

  16. I love my inceptors but 10 out of 10? Its a bit much. Eradicators over heavy intercessors? Not sure because the last four games theyve been shot of the board after arriving in reserves. Not sure i agree with everything youve said but the majority what you say is all theoretical maths. When was the last time you played? Certain things have bigger profiles/footprints and are easier to be shot down so i gues it depends how you play them

  17. imagine a world where we had multipart part kits for the three lieutenant Primaris armour classes and in place of the hundreds of lieutenant releases we had more characters for different chapters.

    Chief Stormseer Saghari; Jaghorin, The Voice of the Storm; A Basic Bike Captain (with Glaive of Vengeance); A librarian Biker; a jumpack librarian; Dreadnaught Furnous; Chief Librarian; Master Apothecary Harath Shen; Iron Father Stol Sollex; Black Dragon Zartath; RG Chaplain Cordaw; Chief Librarian Epistoles; Master Apothgecary Kregor THann; Captian Silas Alberec; Mortifactor Chapter MAster wielding a Scythe; Arkash Hakkon with his black Power Axe; |Carab Culln; Asterion Moloc; Tyberos

  18. I’m a massive fan of Technarines. They work really well at mopping up vehicles or monsters that weren’t quite destroyed by my Lancers and Executioners. The Techmarine ranged attacks took the last three wounds off of a Mutalith Vortex beast after it killed my Executioner last night.

  19. I use turrets as a way to compensate for a lack of AP in my favorite units. I run them in firestorm and they actually are pretty solid. Especially when they get strats to ignore an AP feom the enemy. They become annoying to remove. I use 5, 2 of 2 and 1 of 1.
    I have one of the 2 model squads be reserves and have them show up on turn three to help destroy cover. Add the +1s to hitting t10 vehicles and suddenly leman russ's and most monsters need to beware of 2d6+2

  20. About the firestorm turret – las talons has d6+1 dmg per shoot on range 36 inches hit 2+, strgh10 and ap -3 – with good rolls one turret can take down many monsters and vehicles – two nearly guarantee this what more it is tanky, and has vehicle keyword so can be boosted and repiar by techmarine and also has high oc – i thing underrated it – 75 is cheap for what we get it is slow for sure but is perfect to cover our positions by targeting strong oponents with las talons or softening up light vehicles or swarms of cheap infantry with autocannons moving towards objective


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