Heaven Is Listening

If you’ve ever wondered what happens to your prayers when they leave your heart and your lips, today’s message is for you. Our heavenly Father stands with rapt attention to hear the prayers of His children. Be encouraged to pray sincerely, fervently, and honestly as you watch today’s episode of Real Life TV. 


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40 thoughts on “Heaven Is Listening”

  1. What a blessed message! 🙏

    I had one of those visions of the Bible, a word that I’ve never seen, in a language that I’ve never learned.. the word “Σκάσης “ in Greek, Skasis. The God Maker “The Skasis Paradigm” (also known as the God Maker or the Universal Theory) was the mathematical equation behind the way the universe worked.

    It was mentioned in part of a fictional series called Dr Who, which I am familiar with but have never entertained.

    Looking further into it, there has always been a common denominator in all of the mathematical concepts of the Bible, which all point to Jesus.

    When I had that Vision, I wasn’t reading the Bible in the moment though I was just thinking about scriptures.

    The Lord works in mysterious ways 🙏
    Glory to Him forever and ever 🕊️

  2. 1st Peter 3:12 ) For the eyes of the Lord are over the “Righteous” and his ears are open to their prayers: but the face of the lord is against them that do evil….

    Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayers of a “Righteous man avail much.

    Matthew 4:4…
    “Man Shall Not Live by bread alone!.. “BUT BY”
    “EVERY WORD” That proceeds out of the mouth of God!

    Follow God’s Everlasting covenant Laws!….

    Make your “Calling and Election Sure!
    ( 2nd Peter 1:10 )…

    Work out your “OWN SALVATION” With “FEAR and Trembling!..(Philippians 2:12)….

  3. Honestly I have had trials in my life that were horrific, trials I didn't want to continue so I got a plan. Only three days, I had to wait three days to carry out my plan (it was not a good one)!! In that time Jesus came to me and saved my life!! For several days He comforted, taught, revealed many things to me. My plan never happened and never came to mind again!!
    I thank God everyday for being there for me, life isn't always easy and there are many ups and downs. I wouldn't have it any other way, I love Jesus Christ with all my mind, body and soul
    God bless you all going forward

  4. My heart is breaking over my daughter's decision to stop taking medication to get pregnant. She is a different person full of such vileness I don't recognize her. She has cut off myself, her brother and step-father. It just happened and is still in the I can't believe this stage! Please pray for us, anyone who feels led to do so I appreciate it so much!!!
    Thank you and God bless you

  5. I had 2 children. A daughter and a son. She is 46 and lives 3000 miles from me. My son, Shane passed away at 39 years old during heart surgery Feb 03 2021. My daughter was estranged from him, as well as her father and myself. She had spread numerous lies about us all. She also has 4 sons whom have nothing to do with her. I send her text messages on her birthday and other times just to say hello. She still won't talk to me. She called a few days after my son had passed away and spoke to my husband Lee (he passed away Dec 6, 2023, which was my son's 42nd birthday) She was drunk and wanted him to wake me up at 2:30 am. He refused. She told him that he was a good man to take care of me. She told him that it weren't for him she would put me in a home for old people. I am capable of taking care of myself. I have tried to get her to talk to me, but she won't. She has written off the entire family. So, does that mean that God will not listen to me? Am I going to be sentenced to burn in Hell for all eternity? I pray that I will be allowed in to Heaven to be with God. What should I do?

  6. I have had three heart attacks the first at 33 years old. I believe that God put this on me and handled it with grace and stature to tell and show these doctors, highly educated doctors, Gods grace.
    Thank you Jesus!!


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