He Was Tased 7 Times in 15 Minutes While Restrained. Then He Died. Justice Never Came. | NYT Opinion

In 2018, Jerod Draper, a 40-year-old father in southern Indiana high on methamphetamines, was arrested during a traffic stop and locked in a cell at a county jail. Several hours later, the man died.

Authorities did not immediately investigate the circumstances of Mr. Draper’s death. But in the Opinion Video above, the filmmaker Sam Mirpoorian examines that final chapter of Mr. Draper’s life — and what happens when police officers fail to uphold their responsibility to protect the people in their custody.

Using surveillance video from the jail cell where Mr. Draper was confined, the film chillingly describes the prisoner’s last grueling hours. Rather than receive the medical care he desperately needed to address a drug overdose, Mr. Draper was subjected to various heavy-handed restraint techniques, including Taser shocks that opened bloody wounds on his thighs.

Vicki Budd, Mr. Draper’s mother, says in the film that her son “had a tough life and a lot of demons to fight.” But, she adds, “he didn’t deserve, by any means, what happened to him in that jail.”

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31 thoughts on “He Was Tased 7 Times in 15 Minutes While Restrained. Then He Died. Justice Never Came. | NYT Opinion”

  1. Hi, I'm Sam, the filmmaker behind this Opinion Piece. When I first heard about Jerod Draper's story, I was horrified. Despite video of him dying after being repeatedly tased while restrained in a county jail, there has been no real accountability or criminal investigation into his treatment. It got me thinking, if cases like this can go unnoticed, how many others are out there? I'd love to know what you thought of the film, and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about how it was made.

  2. This is one of the most horrible, disgusting and despicable things I have ever seen. I have a hard time believing these men are human beings. During the interview, the head of the jail actually appeared to be SMILING at one point!
    First off, when they took him to the hospital, why did they not do a blood test for drugs and alcohol? That would be automatic in my state after securing a warrant from a judge especially because he admitted a suicide attempt. Second, he admitted to the cops he attempted suicide and he cut his wrists. Why wasn't he placed on the mental health floor in the hospital for observation for a specified period of time? Again, that is what would happen in MY state.
    What kind of 'nurse' tasers' a man for ANY reason? The cop said Jerod tried to 'ram' a police car. All I saw was him purposely going over the curb and onto the grass to AVOID hitting the cruiser. What did they have on him? Failure to stop? Eluding? And if they did a blood test, which they did NOT, a DUI. I also cannot believe the feds did nothing about this incident. But yet, it WAS the crime bill that Biden sponsored which led to people who have substance abuse problems being treated this way. I am SO happy that MY state has 'drug courts' where a person is given an opportunity for treatment and help rather than prison.
    Although I do not agree with recreational drug use, I cannot imagine what that poor guy went through in his teenage years first having his best friend die and soon after that his girlfriend die right in front of him. Having experienced much loss in MY life, only later in it, I can just imagine how that would affect a teenage mind. The boy must have been suffering SO bad mentally to turn to drugs. He needed help. Not a prison where he was bullied, tortured and killed.
    The mother said she wondered what he thought in his last moments. I sure hope he saw the angel come for him to bring him to Heaven. I'm a tough man who's seen and experienced a lot of bad things in life. More than my fair share. But I admit that at the end when they showed him in church being baptized and then hugging the minister, that's when I had tears running down my cheeks. Poor man. So much needless suffering at the hands of other people in this country. It wasn't like this when I was a kid.

  3. Extremely horrific and sad. I wish they even gave him the gown to wear once and genuinely cared. This was an excessive and unnecessary force. Inhumane and extremely disturbing video on one helpless man no matter his state. He was so helpless. Shaking head, the man was left in a helpless state.

  4. May 22, 2023., Three Days before Great Britain and China face off at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, England…

    “In the American West, settlers traveling across the plains and mountain passes in covered wagons banded together for mutual assistance. Although wagon trains are associated with the Old West, the Trekboers of South Africa also traveled in caravans of covered wagons” (Wikipedia).. “Forget the Myth; This Trip Required True Grit!… The average American frontier man or woman was in the prime of youth and vigor, mostly in their 20's and 30's. They had already lived for years in the elements and were tempered by hardship from the farms and homesteads they grew up on. Their hands were tough and their backs were conditioned for toil. They were also accustomed to spending hours on their feet, walking, running, pulling, kneeling or lifting” (The Western Wagon Train: Part-Two, Life on the Trail, Dave Rogers March 17, 2021, Updated August 21, 2021, 25 minute read 📚)..

    🤑🤑🙈🙉🙊😿🤐🤫 minus 69

    • March 15 – Victoria, British Columbia, is founded by the Hudson's Bay Company as a trading post and fort.


    As a Retired Peacemaker , I assume “The Truth” (Released: 2016, Album: The Next Three Days, Artist: Danny Elfman) of what “Trekboers” (European trading systems in the Middle Ages – fourteenth to sixteenth centuries, Produced 28 May 2011, Last Updated 27 August 2019) culturally appropriated the ‘Diet of Mac Mainz’ (China Mac) “Male Water Tiger 🐅” (1962 Chinese Zodiac – Water Tiger) and “Female Water Rabbit's🐇” (1963 Chinese Zodiac – Water Rabbit)

    Lineage with regards to 🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤫🙊🤦🏽‍♂️.. While ‘match play’ is stopped March 15, 2023, Wednesday of Third Week of Lent.







    Will Miranda’s “Brother Wind” (Originally published: 1988, Author: Patricia McKissack, Genres: Children's literature, Picture book, Fiction, Awards: Caldecott Medal, Coretta Scott King Award for Illustrators, Illustrator: Jerry Pinkney) be present when “Bad Weather Hits the Wagon Train ” (Cappers Farm)? For two months before Great Britain and China face off Thursday Will Miranda’s “Brother Wind” (Originally published: 1988, Author: Patricia McKissack, Genres: Children's literature, Picture book, Fiction, Awards: Caldecott Medal, Coretta Scott King Award for Illustrators, Illustrator: Jerry Pinkney) be present when “Bad Weather Hits the Wagon Train ” (Cappers Farm)? For two months before Great Britain and China face off, Thursday May 25th, 2023 at 4:00AM; as the FIH-PRO-LEAGUE Field Hockey Tournament of Champions continues 🏑..




  5. Yo the nytimes would rather as in the vibe check podcast would rather have and profit from a Hollywood camera setup than to actually have the morality conviction to ask why and how of the brutality of american industrial systems and the global elite. Like NY times had so many resources and they only went with the profit system.

    And like they couldn't even have double consciousness of class and race into stories of elder millenials making big purchases, having kids, and putting their grandparents in nursing homes and like what are they suppose to when Americans are marketed as the god like savior of climate change, covid, racial inequality, web3, and war.

    What r guys telling your 2nd graders what you're doing and what should they think about next.

    As Sam sanders on his podcast obsess better.

  6. Clearly the correction officers deprived Jared of his constitutional rightsizing , the tasering rises to the level of torture , this is a case for the Justice department and or the ACLU,

  7. This is why there is such a distrust and disconnect with cops and those at local level of law enforcement. Effing POS's, just makes your blood boil. Those on the stand had contempt as if they were inconvenienced, no remorse.

  8. Everyone has a hard life. Using that to try and explain someone with substance abuse is just dumb. Some people have it 100x worse. Being sexually abused from a young age, parents/siblings dying, surviving a mass shooting, etc. We are experience hardship but that's no excuse to abuse drugs nor should that be a reason to explain someone's addiction. We all have a choice on how we move forward and deal with hard ships. Anyone going through a horrible time in your life, keep your head up, stay positive no matter how dark things might be, and stay away from drugs.

    In no way am I trying to defend the criminals who tortured him. I just want to point out that substance abuse will only destroy your life and make it worse. I still dont understand why he didnt get the medical attention or why he was tassed so much.

  9. It's no wonder he ended up in the hands of police when the mother says "… that's when Jared began to get off track…" instead of "My child experienced 2 traumatic losses and was in crisis". The lack of accountability has me aghast and it's not even 5 minutes in. Poor Jared. My heart hurts already😭

  10. That nurse needs to loose his license, I hope he was reported to his licensing body. That goes against everything we are taught as nurses, he should be facing criminal charges.

  11. Cops (and prison officials ) should no longer be allowed to have tasers . Because they do not treat such tools as torture items for human beings under their care! And medical clinicians , doctors and nurses, should never ever be trained or permitted to touch , a taser!

  12. In Germany, when someone has commited serious acts of self-harm (and the person does not need to be hospitalized) the person is locked up in a psychiatric hospital AFTER examination by a state doctor and psychologist. There are doctors and psychologists available 24/7 to do these examinations. If this applies to a person who is also under criminal investigation which would normally put him in jail, the person is NOT sent to jail but still goes into the locked psychiatry facility. Only when the person has been declared mentally safe, the person may then go on into a jail. The main reason for this is, that the personel and the equipment in jail is not suited to accomodate a person with ongoing and acute self harm tendancies.
    I've worked in a field where I was in the situation to attend to persons who are both under arrest and dealing with mental and psychotic issues like for example acute withdrawl from drugs. It's incredibly hard to tend to a person which is both aggressive and clearly in a state of mindlessnes/loss of control and who is commiting acts of self harm, it's really no joke to be in that spot. You actually have to apply force to the person to keep the person from hurting himself – hurt to stop hurting. Obviously the goal must be to hurt the person less with the applied force then the person would hurt themselve (e.g. holding a person down that was previously continously slamming their head against a brick wall). Then when holding a person down and strapping them down you run the risk of the person suffering from being restrained and unable to move. It's very delicate and hard to judge situations for untrained or not well trained personnel (remember that for example police officers or jail guards have a huge field of tasks in their daily job and it's not their everyday experience to treat a person in that situation). So I do understand why the jailers were thinking it might be a good option to restrain a person in that chair to stop them from potentially self harming himself. But everything else that happened is completely beyond my comprehension. Some of the scenes do look like actual torture. It's always sad to see that when one person on the job acts wrong, that the others don't stop that person. I don't think everyone in the room agreed that the treatment was correct, so stand the ** up and stop the mistreatment.
    Also…change the rules America. Jerod Draper should not have been in jail, he should have been in a psychiatric facility to treat his problems. Don't throw ill people in jail…especially not in those type of jails that you have over there.

  13. I cried with Jerod's Mother, never before have I seen anything as horrendous as the treatent they gave Jerod who was helpless in that chair and yet tased until he died, they even stripped him of every inch of dignity they couldn't even cover his legs, shame on all of you involved, I hope you have sleepless nights. Thank you sam I hope that your film bring the family some justice, someday soon

  14. I really hope to hear again about Jerod's case. When justice will be served for him. Those guys should be already in prison. That was murder by torture! They had NO compassion at all! Very sad! I had tears running on my face watching him dying naked alone and under such cruel care of people who are paid to protect him.

  15. At the very least, all those people in that room, where that man was tortured to death, should be FIRED from their employment. Even if they were there and did not physically touch the man. If you are present during abuses and do nothing to stop it, you are guilty too! We need to take way immunity from police. Just as doctors have to carry malpractice insurance, in case they make an error, police should have to pay for their own insurance, out of their own pocket. Maybe then, those in offices of law and order, will indeed follow the laws in an orderly manner, rather than looking fir excuses to arrest , torture, malign and cavalierly lock folks up in a cage! I urge every citizen to write tour local police department , your local mayor, your congress person and your senator about this. Let them all know WE THE PEOPLE are demanding swift changes.


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