Evil Punishments Designed to be Worse Than Death

Sometimes death isn’t the worst thing that can happen, and after seeing the evil tortures in today’s new video you will understand what we mean. Find out which punishments were far worse than death!

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27 thoughts on “Evil Punishments Designed to be Worse Than Death”

  1. It is curious we refer to these acts as 'inhumane' and try to distance ourselves from the perpetrators by referring to them as animals or monsters… The reality is that humans are this cruel even to this day and you are in denial if you pretend under no circumstances you or someone you love would be capable of acting this cruel. In fact a distinction of humans from other animals is how willful and creative we can get in inflicting pain and terror.

  2. You got your picture wrong at 10:56 about the Armenian genocide. The Turks (i.e. the ones doing the killing) usually have a darker skin tone than the Armenians. And I can't help but notice that you glossed over the fact that this genocide was based on religion; the muslim Turks wanting to ged rid of the christian Armenians… so why didn't you put a crescent moon symbol ? You didn't shy away from bashing the catholic church for relying on the inquisition. It's almost as if you were a bunch of hypocrites !

  3. Not so fun fact: When flaying was done by someone skilled, your skin was removed from the bottom up, concluded by removing all the skin on your face and head. It's referred to as "degloving". Often this was done in front of a mirror so the victim could see their own skull with eyes in the sockets. Their eyelids came off with the skin so they couldn't blink or close their eyes. They spend the next hours or days staring at their own skeleton and skull. The mental horror of the sight is unimaginable and a worse torture than any physical pain?


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