Hey Everyone!! Happy Thanksgiving! First I am not a dr, and I am just sharing what I did at a time when you could not just go to a hospital regardless unless you could pay upfront… now you can go regardless of ability to pay… especially for children… and my man child is scared to death of drs, hospitals, needles and he was like no way no how are you getting me in that car! lol.. so old fashion ways came into play and my grandma was rught… hot onion pack… and he was like a new kid… gotta love geandma!

Thanks to all of my wonderful friends and subscribers I have a P.O Box! You can send me mail to
Haunted Ramblings
P.O Box 234
Adrian MO 64720

Thank you all so very much for all of your kindness and support… It really does mean the world to me!! ~Laura~

#foodhaul #freefood #foodgiveaway #unboxing #blessed #foodblessings #hauls #giving #thankful #foodpantry #blessingboxes #thanksgiving #harvesters



  1. Those potatoes and yams are pretty old, they may taste like mold…………the onions need to be chopped and put in freezer and if the cukes have been frozen, they will go mushy………………but maybe everything will be fine………..just check and make sure before you eat……….I am one for saving anything I can

  2. Wow that's a lot of potatoes and a lot of onions for one person I wouldn't have taken that many it's way too much for one person but I'm full blooded Irish also and I cook a lot of potatoes but I wouldn't get that many maybe if I had people living with me that would be different.

  3. The potatoes look amazing and you have enough apples probably to make a little apple turnover or a small apple pie. Have a nice Thanksgiving. My grandma used to put mustard on our chest when we were little to help with coughs and colds and it works really good so yes some home remedies are very helpful. Blessings to everyone.🦃🦃😘

  4. Hi Laura! I've missed you so much! But are the apples the only thing that was frozen? You'll have to cook them or pitch them cuz they would be disgusting just eating as is! I hope and pray you have enough money to supplement your food . Hugs

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you! When I look at the goodies you got first thing I see is potato soup and applesauce. LOL (The sweet potatoes, I would make sweet tater casserole) yum yum!
    Now the cucumbers nah have no idea I like dill pickles but other than that…..😆
    OK my grandmothers old timey "cure" that was used a lot on me was when I was little I had a bleeding ulcer and a terrible time with throwing up so she would make Jello Water and still to this day it is what works when one is nauseous. Make recipe like directions say then add extra cup of cold water and your set. Anyway, have a wonderful day tomorrow and cant wait for your next video! (((hugs)))


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