Great Books Where to Begin Reading

Do you want to read the Great Books, but you don’t know where to start? This video will help you figure out where to begin reading the Great Books. My focus here is on the great books of the Western Tradition, or the Western World — though there are great books in many traditions from around the world. This is an introduction, a starting place, a point from which you can begin a lifelong journey reading great works of literature and philosophy. It’s a journey that has changed my life, and might just change your life too!

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7 thoughts on “Great Books Where to Begin Reading”

  1. Just want to throw this comment into the ring. Aspiring scientists should go through Euclid's The Elements! Not the typical book (set of books) though 🙂 but it keeps in line with the Greeks. Thanks for your videos I always enjoy them.

  2. Books mentioned to start your exploration of great books:
    Greek tragedy – check out Sophocles
    – Antigone
    – Oedipus Rex
    – Plato's The Apology
    – Marlowe's Dr Faustus
    – Austen's Pride and Prejudice
    Politics / slavery
    – Douglass' Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass


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